•Twenty Seven•

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~ Jacob POV ~
Bella Jacob and skai have been asking me non stop if I wanted to go with everyone to dance class, I keep saying no but they mentioned they got jade to go so I'm definitely going. Jade has talked to me a little bit but not about what's going on with her which makes me even more worried knowing that she's keeping her feelings bottled up. I changed into something that would be more comfortable to dance in.


As I got out of the car jade runs up to me and holds my hand, (*Hi there*) I chuckle (*Hi*) she whispers laying her head on my shoulder, We walked inside and I take jade over to a corner so I can talk to her. (*I heard what you said to Bella*) I said, I see her freeze. She looks around and sighs (*Can we not talk here*) she whispers (*If you tell me when we leave*) I told her (*Yeah Yeah ok*) she says. I nod kissing her forehead (*You can tell me anything*) I said walking away. (*Ok jade Jacob come here*) Matt yells, we walk over to him (*You guys are gonna dance together because your a cute couple*) he smiles. Jade give a small smile and Matt notices (*Whos a cute couple, Jade and Jacob. Yes they are*) he coos pinching her cheeks. She smirks then starts to laugh (*You're an idiot*) she giggles. I mouth "Thank you" to Matt and he nods with a smile.


Matt taught me the dance so I don't mess it up, I'll say it's actually easy. (*So have you talked to jade*) Matt asked me, I shake my head with a sigh. (*She's like a sister to me and I care about her. You're a good kid, she dated a guy who broke her heart and made things worse for her*) he tells me. I just nod not really knowing what to say, he pats my shoulder and gets a drink. What has happened to jade...what did this guy do to her.


(*babe*) jade yells waving me over, I run over to her (*Ready? Do you know the dance*) she asks. I nod smiling at her. The music starts to play and we start dancing.

Jade looks into my eyes and whispers (*I love you*) I smile (*I love you too*) I said pulling her close, hugging her. (*You guys did great*) Bella said walking over to us (*Thanks*) I smiled. Jade grabs my hand and pulls me outside (*We gotta talk*) she says. We sit down on a bench and she sighs (*I have an eating disorder*) she said looking at me (*I had a boyfriend before you and he happens to be very close with Rowan...well was very close with Rowan*) she says rolling her eyes (*His name was Peyton*) she said. I squint my eyes (*Peyton...Meyer*) I ask, she slowly nods. (*Anyway, me and Peyton dated for a year...until he started talking to this girl on Instagram. She was a beautiful girl, older than me. He met up with her and took her on a date...she didn't know I was Peyton's girlfriend, he told her I was just a friend.*) she looks down at her feet (*I was gone for a movie at the time so I had no idea...I only found out because Rowan saw his texts*) she says as a tear rolls down her face. (*She called me and told me that she found something out and needed to tell me. When she called and told me what happened...I lost it, I was crying and just wondering what I did for him to do that*) she cries. I pull her into my arms hugging her tightly (*Long story short...we broke up and I developed depression and anxiety, always worrying about my weight or how
I look just so don't get abandoned again*) she said laying her head on my chest. I kiss her head and rub her back (*You don't need to worry about anything like that, I love you the way you are*) I said (*I love you if you have pink hair...blue hair... rainbow hair*) I joke making her giggle. (*I love you*) she whispers (*I love you too, I'm glad you talked to me*) I say. She hugs me tight and smiles (*I'm glad I did too*) she says.
Oh look I'm alive

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