You sighed gently as you made the walkhome, you had a car you could drive but hoped by walking you mightlose some weight. You were a chubby (skin tone) young gentleman whohad dealt with both mental and physical abuse pretty much all yourlife. Of course you weren't a girl so while most bullying on girlswas only mental, which in your experience was worst then physical butyou dealt with both. Of course you'd not wish this hell on anyone,but when you came foreword saying you were bullied you were laughedat or told to 'man up' as opposed to girls who you've seen were takenseriously.
At least your parents didn't abuse you;they were never around to be abusive and your nannies growing upweren't physically abusive even if they all would point out your fatfigure a lot, as well as how dull your eyes were, how your hair neverfell in quiet the right way, and everything else. They'd often giveyou high protein diet trying to get you to have muscles instead offat. That only made it worst but you had grown and while chubby youdidn't look like a misshapen blob trying to look human.
You had long since not needed nanniesand you were now an adult, barely. A dark brooding masculine figure,soul deep hurt that decorated your heart and came through your(sparkling/smoldering) eyes. You'd never think yourself handsome butyou were too lost in the pain to realize that you were. You were veryhandsome, but there was something else that even if the femalepopulation were to realize, you were into guys.
It wasn't that you were ashamed, whyshould you be? It's natural, animals sometimes mate with the samesex, humans are animals. It'd be like being ashamed for preferringblondes or brunettes or something like that.
However you were shy, and insecure anda victim of bullying for your size and geeky nature, often told nogirl would ever be desperate enough want you. Like you wanteda girlfriend, however the intent hurt. That no one would want you.You just wanted to be loved, same as everyone. Why were you seen as adifferent species? You were a feeling human to.
How long wassomeone supposed to keep being denied simple human contact and notbecome either a robot or a monster? You didn't know how much more youcould take. You could still call yourself human, perhaps more humanthen human. Becoming emotionless sounded nice, easy, but you wouldn'tgive up. You belonged somewhere. Your parents were gone to anothercountry, same as always; you think it might have been (country farfrom home country). You almost wished you could be with them, not tosee the birth givers who were more strangers than parents, but youwanted to travel. Not that you didn't like (home country) but youwanted to see the world. You wanted to find a place to belong. Surelyyou belonged somewhere, you just had to find it.
Getting home youhad the day off and as you did the weekend from your stupid job. Youwondered how long your parents would let you live here; you knew youcouldn't stay forever, nor did you want to. You applied yourself inyour studies and had saved enough money you could find a place givena week's notice, plus as you were eighteen you had gotten your owncar with your own money. It wasn't the nicest car but it got you frompoint A to point B, wasn't a death trap and was good on gas.
You had run into afew bullies on your way to class and they had torn you down foreverything; your silence, your looks, and had beaten you up. Not asbadly as in the past but enough you wish you had brought your car.You had tried to stop eating to lose weight but you were so hungry...
Deciding you'd betwice as careful tomorrow you went into your kitchen and madeyourself some (comfort food). If you were going to have to be twiceas careful tomorrow no matter what might as well indulge tonight. Atleast you weren't so desperate as to starve yourself, not only wasthat unhealthy but it would actually make you gain weight as yourbody went into starvation mode.
Still you feltguilty when you finished and poked your flabby stomach wishing thatit'd leave but knowing it wouldn't unless you did it. Sighing youdecided to watch some Hetalia, it was by far your favorite anime. Itcombined comedy, adorableness, history, countries that you wanted toone day see, and hot guys. Really, really hot guys. Whether you likedthe overly muscular of Germany and Spain, more lanky swimmer's typelike England and France, or the big-not fat like you but just big butnot overly muscular-like Russia and America.
You watchedhappily, your (eye color) orbs lighting up as you saw your favoritecharacter of them all. He was so perfect, you hoped to one day have aguy like him. Though he was hot as hell, there was more. You wanted aguy who had a personality like him, not exactly like that but heacted like your dream guy even before you knew what Hetalia was. Youwatched the show for a bit over five hours before finally turning itoff.
Deciding you shouldgo to sleep now, not like you had anything coming to happen tonight.Getting up after turning everything off you did your normal nighttimeroutine and changed into your (pajama type) pajama and climbed intoyour comfy bed to curl up under the (favorite color) blankets. "Iwish...I wish I could meet (Hetalia character)." You whispered, itwasn't even to have a romantic thing like the reader-inserts youread, which sadly had a lack of yaoi (male-male). Well that's nottrue, there was plenty of yaoi (male-male) but few male!reader xcountry
Unknown to you inanother dimension he was wishing for something similar yet verydifferent. The characters who were made up in your world wereactually real.
He was wishing forsomeone, someone who could be kind to him and possibly find love. Afriendship love, a romantic love, a sibling love. Anything. He justwanted someone for him, his long life was becoming horrible with noone to love like that. How long was he expected to be withoutcompanionship he needed? It wasn't like a mortal where even now inthe present day they had eighty years from birth to death and yearsbefore even less. Not possibly forever to face this every day.
In yet anotherdimension the Witch-Goddess Morgona watched and sighed sadly. Shecould see the future and had seen so many possible futures. Shedidn't like stepping in, but she saw a way to stop it. If she steppedin the mortal man could give the love that (Hetalia character) neededand was the only thing that could stop what would happen. It hurt herheart and caused a crystal tear to make its way down her porcelaincheek.
If she didn't stepforeword it was possible the young Name would find love with a lovelyyoung man, they'd even adopt a pair of twins. Or he might end up allalone, or even committing suicide, depending at the time if the youngman decides to come up and talk to Name or shake his head and justleave the coffee shop with a longing glance at the (hair colored)man. However if she doesn't step foreword then (Hetalia country)would slowly become depressed and eventually it would become so badthat his actual country would dissolve, fully and even the land wouldface horrible natural disasters, something that they didn't know waspossible. So would in any and all dimensions. Then there would bepandemonium and lives lost.
She had seen ithappen many times before. She couldn't this time. Going to her nearbydresser she pulled out a scroll and chanted the spell, neither younor the sleeping (country) noticed as he was teleported to your homein your bed and in his sleep he cuddled into you.
You gave a happysigh and nuzzled into the warm flesh.
It's true my dears, youare handsome and even more on your physical appearance what reallymatters is how you are on the inside. I've been going back and forthon making male!reader stories but the thing is I am a girl, andunlike writing a normal story or having them play roles in my xreader stories there is just something more. So guys, if I getsomething wrong I am apologizing now but please do tell me so I cando better in the future. I will do my best. Also this is going to bethe same line as my reader x fem!country series but obviously be amale!reader x country, and unlike how many paths there are there willonly be eighteen here, the allies, axis, Nordics, and Romania. Therewill be no groups, like all the allies, axis or both because I findthat hardest and I want to start easy until I get better. I may addmore in later if I get more confident.
Fiksi PenggemarThis story is focused on our dear Name, as he learns new things about himself and the world. How strange it all came from a blonde hair, blue eyed man fall into his bed. The fact that he was also the chubby man's favorite character didn't hurt.