Chapter 8

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We stayed up till 'night' fell and it was time for bed. Time passed and I was sure that the humans were asleep. A smirk crossed my features and I left the room.

"Protector, I must know what's been happening since I got stuck with the humans." Said aspect nodded as we made our way to the living room. 

"We were getting ready for date night, just me and Nurture since Ellie popped into our lives; I was gonna take him to Chief's Kitchen. Then the call came. And I had to leave to Knowledge's, who had no idea what was going at the time. We didn't have to wait long for Responsibility and Stress showed, Obsession then, and finally Truth and Lies. Then Responsibility activated Lock Down.

"The meeting started off as Responsibility and Stress saying how they felt a disturbance within their spheres of power. They had gone to the center to see if you or Danny knew what had happened... but found both Heart and Core closed off. We were... discussing what to do when we felt you meet Joy. It was simple for us to figure that you had somehow been forced to the Outer Layer and couldn't get back your usual way; however, it wasn't until you reached my domain that I felt the company of the humans.

"M'Lord, what happened? I know Desiree had something to do with it, but the only way for her to use her powers in such a way would be for..."

"For someone to wish to be in Danny's mind. I know. It happened. The only thing you need to know is that I have yet another reason to hate Madeline Fenton."

Protector sighed, "That woman is so brilliant. Such a shame that her brilliance and pride overshadows her common sense... if she ever had any to begin with."

I sighed, "We will have to speak in the morning. With Danny missing and only I here, you, and the rests, are at half strength; get some rest."

"Of course, My Lord."


"Good morning" Tucker mumbled as he and Sam stalked into the dinning room with me floating right behind.

"Ah, Good Morning Mr. Foley, Ms. Manson, Mr. Spektro." The over-sized teacher said very cheerfully while Sam and Tucker just groaned before joining the rest of their classmates at the table.

I smiled at the teacher, "I rested well, yes."

Soon, the Fentons joined as well.

I stood up once everyone had sat. "Once we have finished eating, Protector will lead us to Knowledge's Realm. I will warm you now, the aspects that you will meet they are... not what you would expect. Be respectful as they set the rules that both Danny and I instinctively follow. Danny and I may be the rulers of our mind, but they are the judges who decided right from wrong."

"So, you are saying that aspects we meet are what defined your morals." Mr. Lancer restated to get a better look at the information. I nodded. Lancer gave a small smile, "Would you be willing to gives us some information about our next hosts?"

"Just some, some things you can only learn through experience."

Lancer gave an approving smile, "Wisely said. I only wish to know more so that neither I nor anyone here unknowingly insult our hosts."

"Wisely put." I chuckled as the other humans leaned in to here more, even Sam and Tucker moved a little. "Knowledge's Library is where we are going next. He has a habit of dressing either like yourself, Mr. Lancer, or a boy's version of Jazz's usual outfit, along with the occasional pair of glasses. His library is full of knowledge that Danny and I have gained over the years; everything we know, saw, heard, even just in passing, is recorded and out in the library."

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