Chapter 2

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"Ladies and Gentlemen! I bid you welcome to Joy's Garden!"

The group oohed and awed at the colorful meadow that we had found ourselves in. Flowers of all kinds ranged about the land. Some bright and colorful like Alstroemerias, Asters, Calla Lillies, Carnations of red, pink, white, and purple in color, Daffodils, Gerberas, Irises, and many more. But there where also some darker ones like the Anemones and yellow Carnations. {If you wanna know the meanings of these flowers look them up}

Paulina bent down to pick one of the daffodil but felt the cold of my hand on her wrist instead.

"I wouldn't pick the flowers." I said loudly enough for all of them to hear. "Each flower represents a different joy that we have felt. When a flower is picked or dead then that basically kills the joy. Understand?"

I let go of Paulina's wrist. Once free, she hid behind her lacky known as Star. The others quickly nod to tell me that they understood... Till Dash decides to stomp on a flower bed to get on my nerves.

Nobody saw me move. To them, one second Dash was in the air, the next, he was hog tide on the ground. This made everyone nod harder.


Being the studious teacher that he is, Lancer just had to know. "Mr. Spektro, I have a question that I hope you will answer." I motioned for him to continue; he smiled. "You said that each flower represents a different that aspect of joy, but you said "we have felt" not "Danny has felt". And before, you said that you were Danny's "Innerself" and that you talk to each other. So my question is just what are you?"

I shrugged. "I am Danny's other Half, that is all. We are one, yet separate. I am instinct, he is humanity. I am freedom, he is restraint. He cares for all, I only care for him. He loves all, I love only him. We are different yet the same." At the looks of confusion and concern I sighed. "I am not sure how else to explain it. We are like ying and yang in that we balance each other out and that we can not live with out the other. Danny once questioned Jazz about this. She theorized that we somehow developed a form of SPD, Split Personality Disorder. What confuses her is that she read that people with SPD can not remember what happens when one personality takes over, however, Danny and I have perfect recollection of what each other do. And that we are the only personalities here... unless you count the Guardians that are placed throughout our mind." 

Maddie, Lancer, and Valerie's looks of concern grew as I finished talking. I sighed once more before turning in a random direction, dragging Dash right behind me. "Now hurry up and follow me." I hollowed over my shoulder. "If we want to move on then we need to find Joy so he can show us the way to the damn gate."

"Wait!" Maddie cried, trying to get me to stop. Once she and the others realized that I wouldn't stop they quickly ran after me. They soon caught up (it's not like I was going that fast) and Maddie tried once more. "How can you have SPD? That only sometimes develops when someone, usually a child, is abused in bot..."

"I didn't say that we had SPD... I only said that Jazz theorized that we had some form of SPD. Not the disorder itself but something similar. But because we don't know what it is exactly, she is treating it like SPD and having us do sessions with her." I said, not stopping my walk.

The students, minus Sam and Tucker who knew how me and Danny felt about the Fentons, gasped at the fact that I interrupted Maddie.

Maddie was also furious.

"Daniel James Fenton, I am your mother, how dare you..."

I couldn't help myself, I started to laugh. The group watched in fear, even Sam in Tucker, as I had stopped and was laughing like a lunatic. "How dare I?" I asked after a few minutes, any form of humor now gone. I looked up, straight into Maddie's eyes, feeling as mine began to glow with rage. Her own eyes widened as it became clear that my eyes were glowing emeralds, not the ice-blue she knew Danny had. "How dare I? Yes I dare, Madeline." She flinch at my sneering of her name. "The only reason that I put up with you IMBECILES is because Danny doesn't want you to come to harm, even if he no longer considers who and that whale you call a husband parents. But hey that is the kind of person that he is and still cares about you. I, on the other hand, wouldn't shed a tear if you were to pass on to the Zone, or whatever other worlds there are out there. In fact, I would have left you were you where if it wasn't for the fact that Danny cares about you. AND YOU DARE TO QUESTION ME AND SAY THAT YOU ARE MY MOTHER!?!?! SO YES, MADELINE, I DARE TO INTERRUPT YOU!! I DARE TO TALK BACK TO YOU!! I DA..." I was interrupted by water appearing out of nowhere and soaking me to the bone.

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