Chapter 11

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That idioto. 

"You just now realized that we had humans with us." I stated calmly, ignoring some of the looks the idioto humans sent me. 

Obsession paled. "N-n-no one t-t-told me we-we-we had-d company," the aspect tried to reason.

"Hhmm~ Point," Obsession let out a sigh of relief, "however, you could have made up for this stulto* by trying to convince them you weren't as it seemed. Instead you said what?"

"Um~, Oops?"

"That's right, you said Oops. You didn't try to explain anything, you just said Oops."

"Oh, come now, M'Lord," Protector interrupted, "Obsession made a mistake. And, while I do emit he could have handled it better, it's not like we can't simple fix the mistake later with a simple wish once we catch Desiree."

Knowledge nodded in agreement, "Desiree would owe us for targeting us on our Death-Day. The Ancient Rules forbid ghosts from attacking another ghost when it is their Death-Day. Desiree would have had no knowledge that today was our day and is therefore not at fault... But that doesn't mean she wouldn't try to help fix any of the damage she did."


"Maddie," Jack said calmly and quietly, "clam down, I'm sure if we give them a chance we will find some answers."

"Calm Down? Calm Down?!?! You do not tell me to calm down Jack Fenton. There is no way our baby boy could have anything to do with Phantom. Danny is human, so he can't have an obsession. A death-day? Danny didn't die, he's alive, my little boy is alive and breathing. Danny can barely pass English, there's no way he can speak different languages. Danny's an average kid, he's not smart enough for anything that th..."

I couldn't take that damn woman's babbling any longer. "Enough," my voice even, barely holding my rage back. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again; What do you know of your baby boy? What do you know of his life?" My anger, I could feel it take hold, distorting my disguise of Danny. "As I said, we are like Ying and Yang. I am instinct, he is humanity. I am freedom, he is restraint." I released my disguise, "I am dead, he is alive. I am a ghost, he is human. I am the Phantom to his Fenton." I could have laughed at those shocked faces that those vana* malsaĝulo* gave me. 

"How about a story?" I asked in a sickly sweet voice. I settled back into my comfortable seat on the couch. With a flick of my wrist, a book floated down to me. Once the book opened, a holographic image appeared above the pages. 

"Once upon a time, there was a family. The family was one of those modern, everyday, typical American family: A dad, a mom, a daughter, and a son." A picture of the Fenton family was shown, only it was when Danny was young, maybe about four or five. "A typical American family, expect for the fact that the parents had chosen ghost hunting, excuse me, I mean 'ecto-scientists'." The image changed to show Jack and Maddie in their lab. "So obsessed with the notion of ghosts were the two of them, that at the age of five Danny was being raised solely by his sister, who was just seven at the time." The image changed to show a slide show of the two children being all alone. Nights of empty stomachs as there wasn't much food in the house. Days in the hospital when Danny got really sick, his parents nowhere in sight. Empty presents under the Christmas tree. Birthdays with no cake or presents. Image after image of Danny growing up alone, next to friendless.

"About a week or so after Danny turned fourteen, his so-called parents had finished their so-called greatest invention: The Ghost Portal." This time, images of the Fenton parents working day and night on a hole in the wall. They watched as said wall became a shinny machine. "So excited where they, the parents decided to drag their children, both of whom were trying to work on their homework, to show off their work. However, much to the parents dismay, the portal didn't work." The image changed to show the portal turning on... only for it to fizzle out. "The parents, depressed by the results, left, quickly followed by their children. The youngest though, Danny, would be back." The image changed to show Danny, Sam, and Tucker in front of the portal. "Danny took his friends down to see the portal, and, on a dare, which Danny doesn't blame you for Sam, he stepped into the non-functioning portal." The image showed Danny as he put on his black hazmat suit. They saw him walk into the portal. They saw him trip on some wires. They saw as he tried to regain his balance by placing his hand on the wall. They saw his hand pressed firmly on an On button. "And I was born." Radioactive green light spiked... And they saw Danny electrocuted.

"On this day, exactly two years ago, we became one. I am Danny's ghost. Danny is my human. We are truly Ying and Yang. The perfect ghost-human hybrid. We are two and yet we are one.

"You say that Danny is your 'little baby boy'. When have you bandaged his wounds like Jazz and/or Sam when we finished a battle? When have you've tried to calm his panic attacks like Jazz, Sam, and Tucker? WHEN HAVE YOU LET DANNY SLEEP WITH YOU AFTER WAKING UP FROM A NIGHTMARE?!?!

"I'm the one who forced us to learn how to duplicate and transferred my conscious to the duplicate so that I can take care of Danny when he was sick and his family were at school. So that I could go fight when he needed sleep. So that I could comfort him when he had a nightmare late at night and didn't want to bother Jazz. The four of us are more of a family to him then you will ever be.

"So do yourself a favor, and shut up you worthless woman before I do it for you."

All of the humans shivered at my tone of voice, even Sam and Tucker.

The sound of clapping reached our ears, as an emotionless voice spoke, "Nicely spoken young Master.

I looked above me to see two figures floating above. The both wore cloaks that covered their bodies, one white as freshly fallen snow, the other as black as the darkest night. Their hoods were up, so no one could tell what the duo looked like.

(Finally, something that may brighten my mood) I smiled, "It's been awhile, Truth, Lies."


*stulto = stupidity

*vana = useless

*malsaĝulo = fools

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