Chapter 21

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Hey~ I'm back~


"You get two points," Romance began as he motioned to the seven roses that sat before him, "One for the correct person and one for the correct rose. I will repeat the riddle and then you will tell me who the riddle is about and why you chose that rose. If you get under seven points then I will. If you get over seven points then I win. If there are exactly seven points then it is a tie. Simple enough."

Madeline snorted, but didn't interrupt so the aspect continued.

"First: All though I act the fool and am quite dense, a brilliant mind lies deep within. Who am I?"

"Jack," Madeline said with no hesitation, "due to how he acts, Jack Fenton is often seen as a fool and people assume I am the genius behind out inventions even though it's really Jack who comes up with most of our self. I chose the rose with  light yellow and dark blue as light yellow is usually associated with intellect, freshness, and joy, something that I think Jack gives off with his personality, yet he has the knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness that comes with dark blue, though he rarely shows it."

A white board appeared out of nowhere. It was sliced down the middle by a black marker with a M on the left side and a R on the right. "The answer was indeed Jack Fenton, and the rose you chose does indeed match him," Romance stated as he drew two tally marks under the M.

"Next: Poorly hidden is the rage within. A fate unavoidable blamed on one I called friend. The bitterness festered as the past became my obsession. Who am I?"

Madeline didn't answer for a few minutes, almost as if she were contemplating her answer. "I will admit I was unsure about this one. It was... hard to think of who I knew that was easily angered, had an incident that was caused by a friend, and could be quite obsessive..." Madeline cast a glance at her husband before signing. "The answer is Vlad. Dingy yellow for jealousy, dark orange for deceit and distrust, yellow-green for, again, for jealousy, and dark purple for frustration."

"Correct once again Madame Madeline," Romance said as he looked towards Jack. "There are many secrets in the world, the truth of Vlad's interactions with your family is one I suggest you look into." The black two under the M was soon replaced with a four. "Next: Power of Life flows free. Through the flowers, grass and trees. By listening carefully, that power flows through me. Who am I?"

"The only person I can think of is Sam," Madeline answered. "Not only is she vegan but she is also pro-life. The pink is for the deep friendship she has with my son, the dark red for her will and courage, and the reddish brown has to due with harvest and fall and is a color I can see best represents her."

"Six for Six, Madame Madeline," Romance stated as the number switched from four to six. "Though I am surprised you managed to chose the right rose as most would view sœur* Sam a spring due to her views on life. Now: To hear the call of hunter's pride, that thundering sound leaving not a hide. To capture to cage or skin, there is no other sound on my side. Who am I?"

"This one also gave me trouble, I honestly have no idea just who this could be; however I chose the rose with dark red for the will power a hunter needs, red-orange for dominance and thirst for action, and dark green for ambition... I'm not quiet sure just what the black represents," she answered with a challenging look in her eyes.

Romance simply smirked as as six became seven while Romance finally game a point underneath his R. "You are correct about the rose. As for who it represents... that would be Skulker, the so-called Ghost Zone's Greatest Hunter. The black, on the other hand, represents Death in this intense. Now: As you wish. Raged within a falsely truth. Though shown the way, deep within denial stays. Really, they are actions of youth. Who am I?"

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