Chapter 5

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WARNING: This chapter will have a bit of PitchPearl in it, but not the way you're thinking. Nurture and Protector's Home won my little contest will Lust's Brothel behind by two votes. Nurture and Protector are two different beings but, due to how I view their domains, they are husband and wife... Thus, a strange, not-PitchPearl-PitchPearl.



Would you like to hear a story?

Once upon a time, there was a great hero. Now this hero lived in a town full of idiots, fools, and good-for-nothings. The hero would do all kinds of good deeds and the citizens would cheer his name; however, when the hero went back to being a "normal" boy the citizens would boo and curse the boy's name.

One day, during an unlawful imprisonment known as detention, one of the boy's enemies used her powers to force the boy's class, teacher, and his sperm and egg donors into his mind. The hero was forced to lead the waste of spaces through his and his other half's mind...

Only for the humans to all die terrible deaths in retribution for all the horrors they force upon the boy.

The En...

I sadly woke from my wonderful dream due to crash landing at the end of the pit...

"Why didn't any of you wake me before we landed like I told you to?"

"Well, sor~ry. We were too busy trying to not break anything when we landed." Valerie snapped as she got off of Mr. Lancer.

Ah, Valerie. One of the few humans that don't make me want to go on a murderous rampage... I mean, gives me hope for the human race. Yep! That's what I meant.

The other humans weren't as lucky as Val as to land on something that would break their fall... minus Sam and Tucker who, with years of ghost hunting experience, managed to land on their alright.

"So, where are we?" The whale of a giant known as Jack Fenton questioned.

I sighed (I seem to be doing that a lot lately, maybe me and Danny should go on a vacation) once more. "We just got through the Wall separating the Basics from Emotion Center."

"So, we're not at the next emotion?"


"And how do we get to the next emotion?"

"hhmmmmm~ Try knocking on the door, maybe someone will answer and let us in."

"What door?!" Everyone, but Sam, asked in frustration.

I smirked.

"How about the one Dash is standing on." Sam deadpanned, man that girl is good.

Sam forced Dash away by giving him a good, hard shove before kneeling down and giving everyone else a clear view of the, now seen, door.

It was a simple door. Deep brown in color with a brass nob and a bright Welcome sign nailed down. Other then that, there wasn't really anything worth mentioning.

The goth girl knelt down and knocked hard on the door.


For a second nothing happened, then...

"Coming!" A voice came from the other side.

I was so thankful that I recognized the voice, it was the voice of someone that wouldn't even think about kill or harming Danny's class mates in any way, shape, or form.

The door opened and we saw... a Danny  standing sideways? The class and grown ups also noted that this Danny was wearing... a dress?

"Oh deary me!" This Danny proclaimed as he (she? I always find this confusing) ushered all of us in.

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