Chapter 13

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We had been in the meeting for hours. And all I learned, in a one sentence  summery, was that no one knew just what exactly was going on. 

It was insane. 

We were just going round and round the very same subject... it was madding. Completely madding.

Then the memories from my clone came back in a flash.


{From this point on, the tale is from the POV of the duplicate that Phantom/Spektro left behind last chapter.}

My original left through the door with the aspects while I stayed behind, invisible to the people in the room...

This will be fun.

Silence rang through the common room as the humans tried to understand all that had happened so far.

"Truth," spoke up, surprisingly, Sam, "Danny and Spektro, how are they really doing?"

Truth cocked his head, or, at least, I'm assuming that he did, but I can't be sure due to the hood on his head, "I am afraid that I don't understand your question Samantha."

"I'm gonna ignore the fact that you used my full name," Sam growled, "and will rephrase my question. Danny, he never really tells us anything, and if he does it's usually due to Spektro insistence, and even then it's usually only the bare minimum..."

"So you wish to know the strength of the Masters' mental and physical statistics, correct?" Truth finished for the goth girl in his emotionless voice. Sam nodded. "Very well. Physically, the Masters' are as healthy as they can be, though Master Daniel needs to consume more vitamin enriched food; luckily, Master Phantom is able to compensate with his ability to consume emotions.

"Mentally... that is a different story. Here, in the mind, Sanity and Insanity are often fighting for control. Have no fear, young Samantha, for Insanity has yet to be victorious," Truth added for Sam's own sanity. 

"You said Phantom could feed upon emotion." Maddie commented, having noticed what Truth stated with interest. "He can do that?"

"That is correct," Truth stated with a nod. "All ghost have the ability to consume human emotions. The difference is in how the ghost feeds. There are ghosts like Penelope Spectra who feeds so much upon human emotions that her very power has evolved to revolving around the feeding off of humans. Even the strength of Ember McLain is based on how many people are shouting her name in desire.

"But than there are ghosts who don't need human emotion for power or energy. The self-proclaimed Ghost Zone's Greatest Hunter is a perfect exam. He relied on his weapons and suit, and didn't care about the human race as he was only interested in hunting rare ghosts and other creatures. 

"But there are also ghosts, such as Lord Phantom, who only feed on human emotions when they are in need of the extra energy. Like I stated before, Lord Phantom would only feed when Lord Daniel has no energy due to not consuming food for an extended period of time or is lacking in basic vitamins that food would give him."

"Ah~ I have a question," Star stated timidly. Truth nodded for the blonde to continue. "I asked you two before what my name was in order to figure who was Truth and who was Lies... But you both answered correctly..."

"We did and we did not, " Truth stated. "What Lies said was not your true name, while I spoke your full name." Truth raised his hand, cutting off Star before she could interrupt. "One's full name is there true name and, as such, the one that resonates with their soul the most. When friends and/or family give nicknames, or when you yourself choose to go by a different name, that name is false, and thus a lie. Your full name is Starla Strong, thus I stated the Truth, while my brother, Lies, merely stated the name you go by."

"I guess that makes sense," Star murmured.

While Truth was explaining the whole name-thing to Star, I could see the conspiring look on Maddie's face. She was planing something... But what, now that was the question. One whose answer already brought unease into my core.

"Truth~" that woman practically purred to the aspect, "What can you tell us about Halfas?"

"The term Halfa is giving to the creatures that are half-ghost half-human hybrids."

Maddie raised an eyebrow, "Hybrids... As in more then one?"

"That is correct. There are currently three known hybrids in existence, and all three were not brought into this world through natural means."


"The two oldest were lab accidents while the youngest is a clone of the Masters. And the Masters look to her as a daughter, and both will destroy anyone to harm a single hair on her head no matter who they are." Truth quickly added at seeing the look on Maddie's face...

Only for the look to turn to shock as the elder Fenton soon found herself on the ground with a certain African-American girl standing over her.

"And Danny wouldn't be the only one you would find yourself facing if you harm Danielle in any way, shape, or form." Valerie hissed, surprising everyone who use to know her; Sam and Tucker, who weren't surprised since they knew about Val being Lil'Red, nodded in agreement.

"And," Truth continued, a hint of smugness in the emotionless voice reached my ears. "as Valerie has just shown, the Masters wouldn't be the only ones who would make sure Mistress Danielle is not harmed."

Time passed as I watched the humans asking Truth different questions. Maddie would ask something every now and then, only to get turned around with Truth's own silver tongue, with Lies chiming in every now and then. 

"So, where do all the doors lead?" Dash asked as he noticed that there were many doors that lined the walls.

"The doors lead to different realms ruled by different aspects of the Masters. The doors that line the wall lead to realms ruled by Lust, Inspiration, Youth and Innocence, Impulse, Curiosity, Protector and Nurture, and Obsession."

"Which door leads where?" A bored Paulina asked, wanting to see something interesting.

"I can not tell you until the Master returns, as he would not want you to wonder where you must not go."

Paulina, ignoring what Truth said, walked up to a random door, opened it up, and walked through; the other A-Listers soon following after. The adults, not wanting to leave their charges behind, soon followed, who were then pursued by Sam, Tucker, and Valerie, who wanted to keep an eye on the idiots before they get themselves killed.

(Crap!) I thought as I quickly dispersed myself to the original.


{Back to original Phantom/Spektro POV}

"Crap!" I exclaimed, shocking the aspects. "We need to go now!"

"I'm gonna regret asking this, but why?" Responsibility wanted to know.

I groaned, "The humans just went into Lust's Brothel."

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