Chapter: 11 || Valentine's Day ||

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It's February at least that's what Lance is telling us, apparently Lance wouldn't stop bugging Pidge on to make something to see what month it is so Pidge did and now Lance is making a big deal about it that it's February, I just feel bad For Princess Allura and Coran because they are probably so confused. "Lance what is this Valentine's Day you speak of?" Princess Allura asked "It's a day where you confess your love to someone and kiss them." Lance said. "No Lance it's a day where all the singles feel even sadder." Pidge said. "No Pidge and Lance it's a day where people give candy, cards, flowers, snuggles, kisses and other gifts." Hunk said "Wow Hunk you really know your stuff about Valentine's Day." I said I could see Hunk blush a bit, "thanks" He said "No problem." I said "Oh and you have to ask someone to be your Valentine." Lance said......."So.......Allura how would you like t-" Lance said before he got cut off by Shiro "Nope, nope none of that, it's not even the 14th yet." Shiro said "Annnnnnnd how do you know that???" Lance asked inspecting Shiro "Um because Pidge told me." Shiro said pointing at Pidge, Lance just nodded his head very slowly though, I felt sort of creeped out by it. "Lance stop nodding you head slowly it's weird just go make valentine cards or something." Keith said "I NEED to do that!!! Thank you Keith for once you have a good idea!!!!" Lance said and ran to his room. I looked over at Keith and he crossed his arms. "That shut him up at least" Keith said. "Yea But now he's probably gonna make lots of cards for one person." Pidge said "that's very true, I wonder who it'll be to" Hunk said and all of us looked at Allura. "What?" She asked "Nothing." Shiro said "Should we be concerned about this 'Valentine's Day' Lance keeps speaking about?" Coran asked "Um I don't think so, but I think you'll be fine" Shiro said. "......... What's for lunch?" Pidge asked "I'll go work on that now!!" Hunk said and went to the kitchen "um ok so I guess that happened, I'm still really confused on what's happened." I said "so am I Y/N, so am I" Keith said "Welp I'm going back to my room" Pidge said and she walked to her room "I'm going to my room too" Keith said and walked away. I went to the kitchen to help Hunk with Lunch.
"So Hunk What do you think you're gonna make?" I asked "Hmmmm I don't know, but whatever it is can you help me?" He asked, "sure but I'm not the best cook" I said "It's ok I'll help you" He said with a smile and so I ended up smiling. I saw a bottle that had something in it, it kind of looked like alcohol, Allura came into the kitchen "Excuse me princess but what is that?" I asked pointing at the bottle. " it's an Altean drink called 'Fizz Punk' it's an "alcohol" drink, at least that's what Shiro calls it" Princess Allura said "Oh, and how old do we have to be to drink it?" Hunk asked "Well I'm not so sure but Shiro tells me not to give it to any of you because he said on Earth you had to be 21 to be able to drink." She said. "Ok, nice to know that Shiro still doesn't want us breaking the Earth rules even though we are in space." I said Hunk chuckled "That's Shiro for you." He said "Yea I know, I've lived with him basically my whole life." I said "Well I won't get in you two's way." Allura said and walked away.


Hunk and I were making lunch still, well really we were waiting for it to be down cooking. "So do you think Lance is gonna go all out for Valentine's Day and decorate the castle?" I asked "Yup, Once you've known Lance for a while you'll figure out on what he will and won't do, and this seems like a thing he's gonna go all out for." Hunk said "okay, okay how long have you and Lance known each other for?" I asked Hunk "For a while now, I mean before we came to space and stuff Pidge, Lance and I we're all teammates in the Garrison." He said "that's cool" I said. Lance slid into the room with pink and red hearts. "Speak of the devil." I said "oh were you talking about Keith?" Lance asked and I started cracking up. "Oh god Lance, no we were talking about you." I said "but, but I'm not the devil" Lance said "Lance it's a figure of speech" Hunk said "I know I know I was just teasing y'all, but I was serious about the Keith thing." He said. "SO is lunch almost ready?" Lance asked "Yup just in a few minutes it'll be done." Hunk said "okie dokie, hey Y/N can you help me with these decorations?" Lance asked "s-sure I guess" I said and so me and Lance started hanging up hearts and cupid and other valentine stuff around the castle. "So you gonna ask anyone to be your Valentine?" Lance asked smirking at me, "wh-what no" I said, Oh shoot I stuttered "do you have anyone you want to ask you to be their valentine?" He asked "N-no. Do you?" I asked him "Yea Allura, or maybe Pidge or you~" He said I blushed a bit "You know you just named all the woman on this ship, so really you didn't give me an answer." I said "yea but it's a surprise who I'm gonna ask." He said "O-okay" I said, why am I stuttering so much? I mean it's no surprise I stutter a lot but I've gotten over stuttering a lot in sentences. Keith and Shiro walked by "Eh? what are you two doing?" Keith asked "Lance asked me to help him put up decorations so that's what I'm doing." I said, Lance nodded, Keith just rolled his eyes. "O-okay, No flirting with my sister Lance." Shiro said "I'm not I'm not and I won't" Lance said while smirking at the end, Keith crossed his arms "He's lying" Keith said "Oh yea mullet wanna prove it?" Lance asked "Ugh, stop calling me mullet!!" Keith said "Until you start calling me number one sharpshooter then I'll stop calling you mullet, mullet" Lance said and so then Keith and Lance started fighting and Shiro tried to break them up, I don't know how that ended because I sort of walked away from the scene but I'm guessing it didn't end well because Shiro looked pissed at Lance and Keith and let's just say it was quite quiet at lunch.

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