Picking Up The Pieces (Chapter 3)

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Picking Up The Pieces

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely & Nichole Harrison

© All Rights Reserved - 2010

Chapter 3

Jumping into Krista's car with the leg strength of a grasshopper, I was ready to hit the town, okay it was actually a local joint. As I strapped myself in the front seat next to her and slipped on my shoes, jabbering away about how much fun tonight was going to be. How I have not been out in quite sometime and mentally thinking I really needed this after that whole ordeal with Mike. God, was he already getting on my nerves and its only been four days and one phone call since I left, never looking back. I knew that there was a shit storm about to come my way but I was going to get through this coming out on top.

"So are we meeting Chaz at the joint?" I asked Krista as she had to turn down the stereo to hear me.

"Yeah! Or else he would be in the back seat." God, her sense of humor was just dry.

"Great I haven't seen him in forever can't wait to catch up. Speaking of catching up girl who did you get knocked up by, I know you're not married? And who has your Lily now?" I had been out of the house less than five minutes, already I was wanting to know all of the details about her child, her private life and everything in between. But this adult conversation was going to be just the dose of reality I needed.

Pulling into the bar parking lot, I see Chaz sitting, with his manly self, on the hood of his car. Spiked blond hair to perfection, lightly tanned skin, a manly man just waiting for the two of us to show him whats up. I swear I could have had him in high school but we were too good of friends to be having a relationship with one another. Why ruin a good thing once you have it?

Aww, who am I kidding, Chaz was the hottest guy in school, every girl wanted him but he never seemed to keep a girl by his side. One thing is for sure with age he got better and better looking. Okay, Lynds focus on the task at hand, getting rid of the stress of today and moving forward having a good time tonight.

Mere seconds of stepping out of the car Chaz comes up to me, picking me up in his arms swinging me around in a circle. As he sets me down on my feet again he pushes me back to take a gander at me.

"Wow! Lyndsey, its been a lifetime and you look hot! And I mean that truly, honestly from the bottom of well lets just say you got me going." He chuckled wiggling his eyebrows playfully at me earning him a swat on the arm.

I blushed two shades of red, I'm sure, as I just rolled my eyes and walked into the front entrance of the joint. Krista was not far behind as I found an empty table to call ours for the night.

"I'm not sure what to order you guys?"

"Oh I'm sure that we can take care of that!" Krista replied as she leaned onto the bar to get the bartender's attention with her big breasts expertly thrusted outward to gain any man's attention. I was in utter shock with how open she was about her body, I had taken a leap with this dress and trying my hardest to look sexy for my night out, but to be honest I was still a little more modest in a town where everyone knew my dad.

Krista handed me a red drink with two straws in it, "What is this?" I yelled over the music pointing to the glass.

"Lynds its a sex on the beach, God... " Chaz said a little too dramatic for me causing me to giggle at his outburst.

"Okay, guys, I don't need to be getting trashed and I need to be home at a good hour." The mention of a good hour caused both their happy faces to fall to one of astonishment.

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