Picking Up The Pieces (Chapter 6)

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Picking Up the Pieces

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely & Nichole Harrison

© All Rights Reserved - 2010


"Hello?" Chaz's voice called out from the other end of the line.

"Chaz? It's Lyndsey!" I answered hoping he was in a good mood for a favor, I hated again asking for help, but I needed it.

"Are you bringing the kids over?" Chaz's words caught me off guard, how did he know I was going to ask. "Krista just called and told me that you two wanted to go out for a girls night. So go ahead and bring those girls over to Krista's house!" He chuckled lightly at my silence.

"Uh. Okay. I'll be over in a few." I paused as I was about to say good-bye, "Oh and Chaz?"


"Thank you! You're a life saver you know that!"

"I know! Now hurry your ass up!" He joked as he said good bye and disconnected the line.

I hurriedly ran to the girls room packing them some pajamas in a nap sack, before rushing back to my room to grab some clothes to change into once I got to Krista's house. I know I'm an adult and shouldn't worry about what my parents think of me going out for the evening, but I do! So I'm hiding what really intend on doing! I pack my party clothes, pajamas, and an extra change of clothes just in case. I wasn't aware if we were crashing there for the night, but I was being safe!

Once everything was gathered up I walked into the living room to find the girls sitting on pillows in front of the television watching cartoons, while mom and dad were sitting silently in their chairs doing their own thing.

"Come on, girls. We're going to visit Miss Krista." Sommer and Riley turned to face me, their faces lit up with excitement.

"Can we bring a dolly?" Riley asked as she jumped up from the floor, I nodded as she rushed from the room to retrieve her doll.

"It's awfully late to be going over for a visit." Those were the first words my father had said to me in days, and they were condescending and judgmental.

"We are staying the night." I said tight lipped as I turned and exited the room as Sommer went ahead of me.

I walked to the front door calling for Rylie to come join us as I was rushing to get as far away from my father as I could possibly get. I got the girls loaded into the car, as I took my place in the driver seat I threw my head back into the head rest letting out a breath I had been holding while getting out the front door. I could see Sommer in the rear view mirror giving me a look, I just hope that someday she will understand my stress.

"Everybody ready?" I called out to the girls as they yelled yes in unison from the backseat of the car. I was getting excited as we took off down the road.

I arrived at Krista's house in no time unloading the kids, our bags and my stress with me none the less. As I walked up to her door I could hear Lilly laughing as Chaz was making some kind of monster noise running after her. I opened the door without knocking wanting to get a first look at what was going in behind the door. The sight that I saw when I opened the door is one I will never forget, there was Chaz on all fours on the floor with Lilly on his back growling like a dog, or something like that. I busted out laughing "Oh Chaz, don't quit your day job!" I spoke as I just walked into the house putting my stuff down by the door ushering Sommer and Riley off to play with Lilly.

Chaz stood up reddening in the face "Well I'm here to please the children, excuse me if I look retarded." he said as he bust out laughing at what I guessed was the thought of what he must have looked like.

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