Chapter nine

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short one for you ;)

*Ryder's point of view*

Rubbing my forehead I stare at my last night's 'hook up' I get out bed and walk out of the guest bedroom.

As I wrap a towel around my waist, I usher that woman out I don't even feel sorry for them they probably just had the best night they ever will.

Once I am sure she is out I head in the shower while smirking at the thought of working with an actual smart person today.

Once I am finally ready I walk out my penthouse at around 5:00am.

Nodding at Marcus, I get out before straightening up my tie and then walking into the building.

I quickly make my way into the elevator seeing as it only had a couple of other people in it I stare at my watch the whole time until I finally get to my office, I couldn't wait to see Addison she's a mystery that I was determined to unsolve.

I ducked into my office and just stared at the window, I always did that the minute I walked into my office it was a habit that I got into I guess.

A knock on the door jerked me out of my thoughts, smirking a little I say a light come in before going back to staring out the window.

Once Addison comes in I ignore her for a bit before she clears her throat making me jerk out of my thoughts.

"Ms, Snow have a seat." I say still not looking at her.

She takes a seat across from me before handing me coffee as I sit down.

"Coffee?" I smirk at her, she even had got my favourite flavour of coffee.

"Now, I need you to do a few things for me." I say automatically focusing again.

She smiles hotly before listening carefully.

"For a few days you are to stay with me to organize meetings and so forth." I say while staring at her while she concentrates on her notes.

"You will have a few days of training and then you will do most things by yourself." I say before taking a sip of the coffee.

She smiles lightly again before jotting down more things.

"You going to say something?" I ask her dying to hear her voice again.

"Yeah, um thanks for the tips." She says satisfying me.

I nod my head before standing up and getting back to what I was meant to do.

"Your first task is a meeting follow me." I says before walking away, she quickly follows me out of my office and then the elevator.

Once I walk into the elevator the doors shut slowly and I glance at her while she bites her lip nervously.

I lean against the elevator wall while I stare at her intently.

I had to try my hardest to not kiss her so staring at her from a far may help...

Gulping a little she turns away cutely while blushing.

A jerk in the elevator made her stumble a bit, not even thinking I stopped her from falling by catching her and holding her tightly.

My hands were around her waist and she bit her lip again, and then I bit mine to stop me from doing something I would regret later.

Neither of us moved, just stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity.

A ding jerked us away from each other, I spun her back onto her feet and walked out quickly like nothing happened...


"You worked well today, see you tomorrow." I say before brushing past her.

Ruffling a hand through my hair I sat back down on my chair and watched Addison leave my office almost worried.

Confused I walked up to my window and stared down to see her, after a few minutes she finally walks out.

My eyes dart to a man, and not just any man.

A man that looked like he was about to kill someone...

The minute Addison steeped out, that man took a step closer to her.

When I saw Addison petrified face, that's all it took I ran down stairs instead of taking the elevator.

I rolled up my shirt sleeves when I approached the first floor and when I came down everyone stopped talking and just looked at me.

I raised my eyebrow and ordered them to get back to work and in record time they were back to whatever they were doing.

My hands flew to the door and I busted them open and then I saw Addison and that man who was about to kill her...

Question for the day:

What do you think about Ryder protecting Addison?

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