Chapter twenty nine

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"Admit it, tell me right now I know you did this" I say while pointing my finger right at his face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, I told you I have had enough of you and your sick brother" He replies.

God why is he my blood?

I slammed my hands on the desk that separated us, no way was I going to let this go unfinished.

"You're a fucking lair Jack Snow" I say before running a hand through my hair.

"Kill me, how do you know that it wasn't Tessa who kidnapped your brother?" he says making me sit back down in my chair and breath slightly.

Tessa? No way what would she be doing with my father anyway?

"Tessa didn't murder her partner, abuse their children for eleven years or kidnapped one of their children and tries to get money out of getting someone to rape their daughter" I say coldly.

I will make him beg for forgiveness.

He stays silent as I smirk in victory.

"Who's the weak one now?" I say before he tries to slap me.

I grab his hand and dig my nails in his skin, no way will he dare lay a hand on me.

"Fuck, I hate you slut" he grunts, I laugh slightly before twisting his arm.

"Don't you ever try to touch me again, you have another thing coming for you Jack Snow" I say before letting go of his hand to go and grab Jacobs's files.

I straighten up my skirt before slamming the record in his face.

"So tell me, why was he last seen in a fucking alleyway? Or why did he just disappear? Does your dumbass self-remember?" I say angrily.

You may be thinking.

How did I go from being scared of him to having power over him?

Well let me tell you, no one messes with my brother or I and I finally gathered the courage to teach this asshole a lesson.

"I am not talking at all" He says coldly before I smirk again.

"Ok then don't talk" I say before opening up my desk draw and pulling out a little something that Ryder had put in there.

"Not even if your life is at risk?" I ask while turning the gun around in my fingers.

This past few weeks have been fun if you must.

Ryder taught me how to use a gun and a little self-defence and thanks to him I finally have enough courage to stand up for myself once and for all.

My father bursts out laughing before speaking.

"You? Shoot me HA!, that's impossible you don't even have enough courage to hit me" he says before I come up to him and glare at him.

"Think again." I say before placing the gun in my pocket.

This loser thinks I won't do anything.

I sigh before speaking again.

"Unfortunately I can't kill you until I know all the answers I need." I say before the door opens and Ryder comes in.

"Addison, he needs to leave now" Ryder says coldly.

I nod my head before turning back to him.

"You have one day to tell me the truth or else" I say before the security guards come in and take him out of the building.

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