Chapter thirty eight

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*Ryder's point of view*

I was just about to go to bed after working until 1:00 am but then I stopped in my tracks when I heard giggling outside of my front door.

"Oh damn is this the wrong house?" Addison and her friend Mia ask before I realise there a drunk as anything.

"Addison what the hell did you do?" I ask before she stumbles in my penthouse.

"You stay I texted Dan he is picking me up" Mia whispers to her before leaving.

"I remember this place it's so dull and dark like really I don't know why I am here" she says before she stumbles and I catch her before she falls.

"You're so drunk this isn't like you" I say before we both sit down on the couch together.

"Is so I am not a good girl, I can have fun sometimes" she says cutely before I smirk at pick her up.

God she is so light, It's like carrying a beautiful feather.

"What are you doing?" she asks before I lay her down on the bed and smile.

"Listen, you need sleep, badly" I say before she smiles at me.

"No I don't I want to party again" she says before I push her gently back on the bed and lay down next to her.

We get under the covers before she turns her head to me and giggles.

"You know this is fun I want to do this again" she says before laughing uncontrollably.

How can someone look so cute and hot when there drunk?

"This bed is so warm, I am never coming out of it" she says before I laugh and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Is that so?" I ask before she nods her head and laughs again.

"I also want to go home now" she says before trying to get out the bed.

I couldn't stop laughing, I haven't laughed so much in a long time.

"But you just said you wanted to stay here forever." I raise an eyebrow before she looks at me while bitting her lip.

"Yeah but I need a new change of scenery this is boring" she says before I tighten my grip on her waist she huffs before looking at me annoyed.

"You need to stay here I am not letting you go home drunk" I say before she rolls her eyes and giggles she throws a pillow at me before turning her head and pretending to sleep.

I loved this side to Addison, I never knew she could be so crazy but fun at the same time.

I woke up at 6:00 am and smirked when I see Addison passed out, she looked like an angel sleeping so peacefully and she looked so gorgeous, sure her hair was a mess but she looked so good in the sun's rays.

I didn't want to wake her so I kissed her cheek lightly before heading out and into the shower, once I am done I throw on my clothes before heading downstairs to make breakfast.

I gave Addison some painkillers since I knew what a hangover felt like.

I started to cook and then once I was done Addison slowly came downstairs.

"Um, Morning" she says looking so hot in my t-shirt, she had tried looking different by taking her makeup off and making sure her hair was no longer messy but I loved her either way.

I had always thought women didn't look pretty without makeup but Addison looked even more flawless without any makeup on.

"Morning, how's your head?" I ask before placing pancakes, eggs and bacon and fruit salad on two plates.

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