*Warning mature content ahead*
I sit in my bed and await as the footsteps get louder and louder until there is a knock on my door.
I freeze and hid under the covers, feeling safe that I have locked my bedroom door, the knocking gets louder and I am about to scream when I hear a voice.
"Addison?" Ugh, of course it's him who else would it be?
I angrily stomp out of my bed and glare at Ryder after I opened the door, he smirks at me dumbly before I roll my eyes.
I was about to slam the door in his face when he stops it with his foot.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask whispering so I don't wake Mia up, after all she did for me one of us needs some sleep.
"You didn't answer my question before, what's going on?" He asks as he walks forward until my back is pressed against the door.
"It's none of your business, just leave the hell alone" I say before he grips my arm and opens my bedroom door.
He closes it and locks it behind him once we are both in it, two bodies in the dark.
"I am not leaving until I get answers, I am just as stubborn as you are" He says before I push his chest to get out but it doesn't do anything.
My blood boils with anger.
"You called me a slut, do you understand how much the hurts? I was broken, was called a slut everyday from my worthless father, and you still went ahead and called me that. Not only that but every word that came out of your mouth sounded exactly like my Father. I had to live through his shit, and I am not doing that again. You can't just walk in here like nothing happened and you did nothing wrong, I did the wrong thing to, i shouldn't have taken your money and i should have told you" Tears of anger start to trail down my face. "I am sorry about what i did, but you dont understand how much it hurt, to see the only person that I actually love"
He puts both of his warm hands and cups my face and slowly wipes away the tear, but that only made me want to cry more.
"You love me?" He whispered to me.
"Yes, I do" I said even quieter then he did.
He close the distance between our faces and presses his soft lips against mine. At first i wanted to resist but slowly started moving my lips with his so we were in sync.
He presses against me harder closing any space we had before and kissing me more passionate and ruffly. He brakes away from the kiss and i was ready to protest and tell him not to stop but the words gets stuck in my throat we he picks me up and makes me wrap my legs around his hips.
He starts to trail his his mouth across my jaw and I let out a soft moan once he reaches my neck. He slowly lifts his head so we are looking at each other in the eyes.
He kisses my cheek and says "I-" then my other cheek "love-" and the kisses my mouth "you". The way he said it and the love he was giving me made my heart melt. Our lips mold perfectly with each other.
Before we knew it, our clothes were off and the only thing between us was our underpants and my bra.
"I think that I am ready..." I said softly, while gently kissing his neck. I can tell he is holding back a moan because how tense he is. We kiss for a little more before he pulls back and looks me into the eye.
"Are you sure?" He says anxiously. he eyes were glowing with lust and I knew that he wanted me as much as i wanted him.
I slowly nodded my head, he smiles at me before the remanding of my clothes are off, scattered on the floor with his.
I will never forget that moment with Ryder, it was simply perfect.
I awake with the sun shining brightly in my eyes, I smile once I see that Ryder is still here, sound asleep with his arm wrapped protectively around me.
I kiss his cheek before slowly stepping out of the bed and quickly grabbing a towel before heading into the shower.
Once I do my usual routine, I throw on a long, pink, silky night gown before blow drying my hair.
I check myself and give a small smile, Once my hair is blow dried and in it's normal wavy, soft state I walk out of the bathroom with a bright smile on my face.
I can't believe last night, I finally lost my virginity and to the man I know I love with all my heart.
Once I re enter my bedroom from the en suite, Ryder is sitting up, resting his head on the bed head while he flicks through his phone.
He was still shirtless from last night and I nearly droll over the sight.
"Enjoying the view?" He asks before I jerk out of my world.
"Um-I" He says before gesturing me to come over to him.
I sit on his lap before he kisses my lips long and deeply, he was about to kiss my neck when he stops.
I look him in the eyes confused before he shoots me a playful smile.
"Is there something wrong?" I ask before he smiles at me and I stare at him confused.
"Looks like I left a mark on you" He says before I look down and notice hickeys all over my neck and body.
How did I not notice this before?
I blush before he laughs lightly and sexily, I slap his shoulder lightly before sighing.
"Oh well, I can cover it"I say before he nods his head amused.
"We need to talk" I say before I turn to him with a slight frown.
"Not now, wait until tomorrow when we go back to work okay?" he says before I nod my head slowly.
He leans to kiss my lips before we kiss again, he was about to flip me over until Mia breaks the lock and opens the door.
"Addis- oh my god" she says before I blush and lean my head into Ryder's shoulder.
"Hey, Mia" He says before I wrap my arms around his neck and smile at him.
"Don't hey me" She says angrily.
"Mia-" I say shaking my head and giving her look that says calm the hell down.
"What is he doing here? and did you- Oh my God you had sex with him?" She asks before Ryder and I look at each other and smirk at each other.
"um-well" I say burning up again, God it's embarrassing talking about sex in such a tense situation.
"Look, I know you may be mad because of what I did to your best friend but we are going to talk it over, we love each other." Ryder says before pecking lips.
"You love each other?" Mia asks me with a raised eyebrow.
I nod my head slowly before her anger melts away into a happy smile, God she is quick to change emotions.
"If you love him Addison, than I support you" she says before hugging me.
Ryder and I smile at her before she winks at us.
"I'll leave you two to it then, try not to be too loud" She says before walking out the door closing it behind her.
Ryder and I laugh together before we snuggle up and kiss for the rest of the day.
After all the hardships I have been through I feel like this is my happy ending, with the man I love, with my abusive father dead and with my best friend supporting me with anything I do.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.
Question of the day:
What do you think of this little peace for Addison at last?
Did you like this scene between them two? ;);)

The Billionaire's Luck
RomanceWhen poor, abused Addison Snow finally runs away from her unforgiving home she thinks her life could finally get better with a new job and a forbidden romance but can her life improve when her secret is eating inside of her every day? When Ryder Wal...