Chapter forty five

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*Ryder's point of view*

I  couldn't believe Addison, why would she break up with me?

I left her office angrily, ignoring everyone that I came across, I huffed as I sat in my office chair confused as to why she would go from being sweet to being so rude.

I got a knock on my door that jerked me out of my thoughts, hope runs through me that maybe, just maybe Addison would walk through that door and apologize and say it was all a joke.

My heart sunk and anger washed through me when Tessa waltzed through that door, she smirked at me before closing the door and then locking.

I scoffed before rolling my eyes at her, I can not deal with her right now.

"What now, I thought I made it clear for you to never come back here" I say my eyes dark and my voice cold.

"Oh come on, don't be so angry, you know your happy to see me" She says before removing her jacket and placing it on the chair.

"No I am not I would rather kill myself then spend one more second with you, get out" I say before rising out of my chair.

She laughs before glancing at me then rolling her eyes, I glare at her wondering why this crazy bitch was laughing.

"Your so stupid, I heard what happened between you and that sl- I mean girl or whatever" She says before sitting on my desk.

"Addison? Yeah whatever, where did you hear that?" I ask annoyed, its not her business at all, I mean she shouldn't even be here.

"Word gets around, so want some revenge?" She says before trying to touch me.

I move away before an idea pops inside my head, revenge, maybe making her jelous would do the trick.

"What are you planning?" I ask before she smirks at me and sits back down on my desk.

"Well, you could show her that your over her, make her jealous" She says before winking at me.

I roll my eyes before smirking.

"Will you leave me alone once it's done?" I say before she rolls her eyes.

"Maybe" She says before I scoff.

"Whatever, meet me at that restaurant across the road after work, then we will try to make Addison jealous" I say before she laughs.

"Now get out" I say coldly before she jumps, grabs her things and sprints out the door.

God she gets on my nerves.

I continue to work until I check the clock, I leave 20 minutes early before walking out of my office, my eyes fixed on Addison's door.

I ignored the silence in there thinking that she probably had left or whatever, Although she broke up with me I still feel like I love her and will do anything for her.

She may not feel the same towards me anymore but I know I will always love her, I hope she knows that too.

Sighing I walked out of the building and into the restaurant across from my building, I met Tessa there before slowly taking a seat next to her.

ugh why did I agree to do this again?

She talked and talked to me but I blocked her out and just didn't listen, I couldn't care less I just wanted to go through with this plan and then never see her again.

After a while, (with just my luck) Addison walks straight through the door looking beautiful again.

Once she sees me her face goes from annoyed to mad, I feel guilty but she broke up with me.

 "Ryder" she asks sadly, my heart breaks for her.

I took a deep breathe before going with the plan with my heart telling me to jump over there and kiss her and tell her I will and still love her and my mind telling me to just focus.

Tessa smirks before I look away as she speaks to Addison.

"Why are you shocked? You dumped him you idiot" Tessa says making me want to hit her slutty face, but she was right, she did dump me so why would she care at all?

"She is right, I mean you did dump me so I am free" I say before kissing Tessa's lips quickly, regretting it straight after.

God why did I do that? now I will have to disinfect my mouth at least a million times.

I regretted saying anything and kissing Tessa, I mean Addison looked like someone had just ripped her heart right our of her chest.

But of course that wasn't the case, she probably is just wondering why I chose Tessa, when I actually didn't but Addison doesn't have to know that.

"Take a picture it lasts longer" Tessa says before she turns around and grabs her food.

She storms angrily out and before she leaves she glances at me, her eyes glaze with tears and anger, I looked at her for as long as I could, looking into her eyes full of sadness, jealousy and secrets.

I look at her before she turns around and leaves, leaving behind her beautiful, sweet scent.

As soon as Addison is long gone, I stand up before Tessa chuckles.

"We make a pretty good team" She says before I go cold and angry again.

"Don't contact me again, I never, ever want to see you again got it?" I say before walking angrily out of the restaurant leaving her frustrated which makes me smirk a little.                                                        

As the night goes on I checked my clock, and as it read 1:00 am I knew I had to sleep since I knew I needed to wake up early and be well rested of the meeting I had later today.

Just as I was about to drift off I get a call, that alerts me to be fully awake and slightly angry.

"What do you want?" I ask not even looking at the caller ID.

"Sir, I found out who stole the money and your not going to like it" my computer man speaks slowly.

"Just tell me who it is, I have enough to worry about and not knowing who it is isn't helping at all" I say before the other line sighs before he speaks again.

"I am sorry Sir but the person who stole the money goes by the name Addison Snow, I assume was your ex girlfriend" He says before I hang up on him.


Addison wouldn't do this right? Why would she? I mean if she needed money she could've just- 

Wait, what if she did it for a reason I can't know?, anger runs thorough me as I throw my phone on the floor.

Why would she does this? when she knows the risks that it would provide my company, It all makes sense, she is nothing but a gold digger.

She is going to pay for this, no one double crosses Ryder Walsh.


When Addison walks into the meeting room anger overcomes me, I hate being betrayed.

After the meeting finishes she is about to leave when I grip her arm a little too hard, but I can't help as anger consumes me.

"I know what you did, and trust me you won't get away with it" I say before she turns away ashamed.

She will pay for this.

Question of the day:

What do you think Ryder's revenge will be?

Who do you agree with more Addison or Ryder?

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