Chapter six

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It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind." - Aisha Mirza 

As the car came to a stop, Mia and I get out slowly.

Apparently she had booked so many jobs for me today all over the city so I had my work cut out for me.

I looked up at the tall building called how may I assist you? I chuckled a little at the name while Mia busted out laughing.

"Go, in now Addison I will be waiting at that café right there." Mia points at a café right next door to this building.

I nod my head before nervously walking inside.

A few hours later and a lot of rejections led me to my last hope.

"Come on Addison we are both so tired and this is your last hope so go in there and give it your all." Mia pushes me into the tallest and biggest building of them all, The Walsh Industries, I couldn't help but feel that last name sounded so familiar but I shook my head before entering nervously.

I confidently walked in getting a lot of smirks from the men there and a lot of jealous looks from the women.

As I Looked around really confused by the people's reactions at me I bit my lip and took a deep breath and continued to walk to the reception desk while ignoring the others looks.

"Hi I am Addison Snow and I have got an interview for the assistant of level 29." I say confidently, there were 30 levels in this building and I was meant to be an assistant for Luke Collins if I got this job.

"Oh yes hi Addison, Luke isn't available so someone else will be interviewing you today." She while raising an eyebrow before trying so hard to not smile widely.

"Um I- ok." I say before taking a seat and waiting a few minutes.

"Addison Snow you will now be interviewed right this way." The receptionist (Cindy) said before leading me into the elevator and pressing the 30th floor button leaving me confused.

"Um, I am supposed to be on level-"before I could finish Cindy barges in.

"I know, but someone on level 30 will be interviewing you today instead." She says before returning back onto her phone.

I take a deep breath and pray in my head that I can get my job, it was my last hope and if I didn't get it I would be beaten to death.

Once I heard the ding of the 30th floor I wave goodbye to Cindy and thank her after she leads to the boss's office.

I gulp a little before hastily knocking and then waiting nervously.

Once I heard a quick come in I nervously walked in.

Before my very eyes was a woman and then Ryder...

He was looking right back into my eyes sternly and happy like he wanted me to come to him...

"Tessa go now." He waves off the girl called Tessa.

She death stares me for a while before leaving, her 8 inch heels clacking as she walked away.

How does she walk in them?

I shake my head before bitting my lip, He was just staring at me and that's when I started to get nervous again.

"Ms. Snow have a seat." He gestures me to sit directly across from him.

His eyes widened a bit once he saw me up close but he quickly covered it up before continuing to speak.

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