Chapter 18

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After my breakdown and sleeping, I felt a bit better. I still felt resentful about the way I looked, but I grew to accept the way things were. The world was unfair and I just had to accept it.

After thinking about yesterday, I also knew I had to apologize to Cody. It was wrong of me to assume he liked me and call him out on it, so I knew I had to apologize. I didn't want things to be awkward between us, especially since he would be living with us for a month and a half more, so I knew I had to be the bigger person and make amends.

Getting up from my bed, I walked over to Cody's room. Knocking on his door, I began to feel my heart race. I was scared because after our argument, I wasn't sure if Cody would want to forgive me.

"Come in," Cody said.

I opened the door to his room and stepped in. Cody sat at his desk and he turned to face me, his eyes tired as they met mine. I stared at him, speechless for a moment.

Finally, I then said, "Hey."

"Hey," Cody said.

"I... I want to apologize," I said. "It was wrong of me to assume you liked me because you were nice and touchy around me. You're a nice guy and I shouldn't have snapped at you for being who you are."

Cody's eyes softened and immediately, I felt relieved. I knew this was why I liked Cody. He was a kind person and no matter what, he didn't have the heart to hate others.

"It's okay, sometimes I forget that the way I act can lead people on. I just assume that it's normal to compliment others and be extra touchy," Cody said, smiling a bit. "You're not the first person to call me out on it, actually."

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I was thought of as a flirt in high school. I guess that's why I was so defensive about it yesterday."

Cody got up and walked over to me. I smiled, thinking about Cody being called a flirt in high school. The picture of him being the kind guy he was to everyone warmed my heart.

"So, we're fine now?" Cody asked, his voice soft as he stood in front of me.

"Yeah," I said, my voice just as soft. "We're fine."

Cody's eyes softened and soon, they began to look sad. I cocked my head, my own eyes questioning what he was upset about.

"I'm really sorry I wasn't able to reciprocate your feelings," Cody said. "You're an amazing person. I don't know why I can't think of you that way."

I knew the reason why he couldn't, but didn't voice it. Trying to stay positive, I smiled instead.

"You're too nice," I said. "You don't need to apologize because you don't like me back."

Cody opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly the door to his room flew open. I whirled to see who was there, surprised. To my utter shock it was Rosalie, who wasn't supposed to come until hours later. She looked panicked and stressed, her eyes wild and her hair a mess.

"I can't hold it in anymore," Rosalie said. "I have to tell you something."

"What's going on?" Cody asked, concerned.

He began to take a step forward, but Rosalie shook her head vigorously. I frowned, wondering what was going on. Rosalie had never acted like that before. She was usually so calm and put together, so seeing her freaked out made me uneasy.

"I love you two. You two are so kind and I have to tell you this," Rosalie said, her eyes growing sad. "I was sent to this mansion to spy on you, Charlotte."

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