Chapter 2: A hoe's story begins

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I was sick of being sick. You see, the day I started being a prostitute I was sick. I think I had the flu, I don't know. Mom refused to go to the doctor, she claimed she would lose money.

It was raining and hailing, freezing cold rain and ice hit my skin as I walked the streets looking for a pimp. I went near a strip club and found someone who looked like a pimp. I walked up to him, shivering.

"Wait what? You were a 14 yr old girl who walked up to a pimp? Who could've for all we know been a rapist?" The cop said while enraged with my story.

I still don't know his name.

"Settle down Joshua, let her talk," the judge said. At least I know his name now.

As I was saying, I walked up to the pimp and started to talk.

"What's your name?"

"Sabrina, Sabrina Percy."

"You look a little young, Sabrina."

"I am but I need the money and I promise I'll be a good girl and listen. I just really need money." I yanked on his collar and pulled him to a dark alleyway. I didn't know how to preform oral at the time but I sure as hell didn't let that stop me. So yeah, I gave him head. After that he agreed to let me prostitute. However, anything I made was 5% his.

I looked at the crowd again, taking a long deep breath and smiled. Trying to gain my confidence back.

I fucked at least 10 guys every week, each commenting on how young I looked and how tight I was. I wasn't a virgin during this but I didn't get around before this either so the comments made sense.

In less than a month's time I made 10,000 dollars. I gave mom 1,000 and she never questioned it, she just ran off with it. I cleaned up the house and made it look better. I was finally getting things situated. My pimp would always comment on how well I'm doing. I would always have to give him head the first year, I ended up enjoying it. It made me feel pretty, I felt loved. I thought it was the only love I could get. I was a pretty face with a pretty body. I was making money. Easy money at that.

How wrong could it go?

This is going to be an easy story to make to be honest. I'm not doing 1000 words per chapter so..yeah

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