Chapter 8: Friendly hoe

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(Somehow I'm incorporating the word hoe into each chapter name. It's weird how I'm able to and it still fits the story. Anyways back to hoeing)


I had a friend she was 16, a year older than me, and was one of the top dogs before I came.

Now she was still getting money, not going to lie about that, but she wasn't happy about how I was taking her spot.

I wasn't a really social person even when I did go to school. I was used alot when I had it like that, you know, money. I couldn't tell the difference between a snake and a caterpillar. A real bitch and Barbie. You get what I'm saying.

I was naive.

"Obviously, you went up to a pi-"

"Let her talk, Officer Akins." The judge said to him.

Joshua Akins, nice ring to it.

She came up to me all nice like. She was talking about my nails and how we should get ours done together.

Now as I said, I was a royal hoe. Bad and Bougie. I got my nails done by myself and Jeremy would schedule the appointments. It hurt my soul to think about doing it with someone else, but I also wanted a friend more.

She was a pretty girl like me, a little smaller but definitely pretty.

We got our nails one day and Jeremy was running late, so we walked the streets. I had on something comfortable, nothing skimpy. Just some joggers and a wife beater. She however was wearing a skimpy skirt and a shimmery outfit.

We were getting cat called left and right. Mostly because of her, she was enjoying the attention and usually I would be too, but I didn't have a good feeling about this.

She took me to this old building, it was a prostitute house.

It smelled like weed, it was obvious they were doing drugs.

I was in shock when she walked up to a dude and took a straw from him and snorted a line of cocaine. She started tripping really bad, the guys were touching on me and begging me to try it. I kept refusing, shaking my head till it was about to fall off. I was a classy hoe, Jeremy taught me how to be one.

"Oh don't worry about her guys, she's just a bitch anyways." She said to me.

"Excuse me?"

"You're a bitch, Brina you're not about this life. You're a goof. A goody two shoe ass prostitute. Just when you think you heard of it all, you come along. Thinking you're the baddest bitch in the ring. Fuck off." Obviously the drugs were hitting her. And that wasn't going to be the only thing that was hitting her of she kept talking shit.

"Listen it's not my fault your pussy is dried up. It's not my fault people enjoy a thicker bitch. Fuck you mean think I'm the baddest bitch in the ring? Puta, I am. You got life fucked up if you think I'm going to let you talk to me like that." I mushed her in her face. Drugs or not, I knew she always wanted to say that.

"If you're the baddest bitch, do a line of cocaine." She smirked getting all in my face. I found a clean straw, lined up some cocaine and snorted it. I wasn't thinking at the time, I just wanted to shut that bitch up.

Less than 5 minutes later, I was off my shit, I was super gone and so was Anesamae (ah-nessa-may). I was touching on these men and thank god they didn't do anything to us because I was extremely vulnerable.

I then saw a face I didn't expect to see yet.


I looked at everyone in the court yard and they looked so hooked on my story. Like they wanted to hear the next part.

"What did Jeremy do?" A news reporter asked.

"Hold on, I'm getting there." I sipped my melted and watery frappe.

White HORsE (lmao get it the capital letter spell out Whore...Lmaoooo I'm unintentionally funny.)

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