Chapter 5: Recess 1

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"I decided that we should have a 20 minute recess to calm down and get things situated. You all may leave, as long as it's not too far away. If you are not here in this building by the time the 20 minutes are up, you will be fined." The judge announced to everyone.

I got out the testimony box thing, and started heading out the door. But guess who stopped me?


"Why are you blocking my way? Move." I shoved passed him, I don't care if he's a cop.

"Listen I'm taking you to get something to eat. Come on." He grabbed my wrist and I looked back at him. I rolled my eyes hoping they would stay back there, and followed him to the door entrance.

When we got in his car he started asking questions.

"I just don't understand, why being a prostitute? You could've gotten a job."

"It is a job, it's hard pleasing people sometimes. And to answer your main question, same reason most strippers are strippers, easy money."

"Yes but you know sex trafficking is illegal-" I snorted.

"Funny how you would say that when, never mind." I chuckled, feeling pettier as time went by.

"Are you going to say what happened?" He said. I knew what he meant, but I was going to milk the words out of him.


"Are you going to say what I did?" He tensed up as I smiled.

"Now why would I do that to a sexy old cop like you?" He smiled but quickly repressed it.

"Stop and answer the question."

"I guess we'll just have to see." I laughed.

After that, it was pretty quiet. He didn't say much and he drove to McDonald's and got some food . He gave me a frappe and a burger. He had fries and a burger. Interesting.

"For a cop you sure eat like shit."

"For a teenager you sure dress like a whore." I looked at my tights and crop top, I see nothing wrong with it.

"Hey let's not forget, you fucked this whore." He swerved and stopped the car.

Can you say shook?

"See that! You knew what I was talking about the whole time! Now are you going to say it?"

"I have to tell the truth and nothing but the truth right?" I smiled coyly, I was so getting a rise out of him.

"You don't have to include that, besides it was apart of the job."

"Yeah sure it was."

"It was! I just didn't know you were a teenager. I was supposed to have evidence that you were one, and lock you up. If I knew you were a teenager I would've never did it."

"Then you shouldn't be in trouble if it was your job." I got out the car and started to head back into the court building.

"It's still very embarrassed Sabrina." He rubbed his hands over is face.

"Hm, I'll consider it." I pushed passed the doors, we were the first ones back.

Time to start talking again.

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Sabrina the Teenage Prostitute Where stories live. Discover now