Chapter 12: 1-800-drop-a-hoe

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I was finally getting back on my feet. The only person who knew this was Jeremy because he was the only one who payed attention for this long, except for, of course, Anesamae. She still taunted me, thinking I was weak still and not capable of beating her ass.

One day, I had to prove her wrong.

"Aww, look at the baby in her room getting now customers. If only you weren't a druggie." I was so sick of this time so I got up and slapped her.

Now she was light skinned so it showed up instantly. She grabbed her face in shock, I mean I would be in shock too, I jumped way to fast for it to be humanly possible.

She punched me I'm not going to lie. And that kinda hurt, but you know how all fights go. We was just going in on each other. All the prostitutes on her side and not mine, it made me just go in even more. It's crazy because she tried to flip me but it didn't workout and she fell into a glass mirror in my room. I was on top of course, it was my first fight in a while so I didn't expect that. I went with it anyways cause losing was not an option.

On of the prostitutes tried to break up it but people thought she was trying to jump in, so she got hit by them. Looking back that was funny.

I stared at the crowd like always and they were intrigued like always.

"So, that was nice. Glad you stood up for yourself."

"I know right, Joshua. Not what you expected."

"Well you forgot the part when you tried to drown her in the tub. It was blood everywhere Brina." Jeremy said.

"Hey they didn't have to know that part."

"Well you have to tell the whole story Ms." Judge Judy said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever, my story's coming to an end anyways."

"Are you going to..?" Joshua trailed off. I smiled because it's obvious he was not ready for this ending.

I bet he wasn't.

Manicures and pedicures I'm always tip top when they say I'm not hot all these lies need to stop...

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