Chapter 11: Druggie Hoe

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"So Sabrina would you like to continue your story or explain to us why he is here and then, continue your story?" The judge said opening a bottle of aspirin.

"Your honor are you, taking medicine on the job?"

"Your story is honestly giving me a headache, just let me be." I put my hands up.

"None of my business, anyways I don't know why he's here. I mean maybe he heard about my court date and came. I can't control what he does."

"No need for you to get smart, Percy." Joshua said.

"Yeah and no need for you to fu-" I took a deep breath and calmed down. "Let me just continue where I left off."

After that first time I snorted cocaine, I only wanted to do it more. Me and Anesamae would sneak off in the middle of the night and go to these parties and I would snort cocaine and get high off my ass. Now Jeremy didn't know about the sneaking out, but I guess he knows now. Anyways I was addicted to it for about a month and a half.

Until Jeremy started to notice something, my weight was dropping. Without my weight, I wasn't getting as many customers.

There was this one time, I was at this man's house and he commented on how boney and disgusting my shape was getting. He complained about it until he came inside me.

The next day, while I was taking a plan b, Jeremy came up to me.

"Are you on drugs?" I snorted.

"What? No. Of course not. What could make you possibly-" He showed me a plastic bag of my cocaine in his hand. I knew I was in trouble, and I mean alot of trouble.

"Really! After I tell you to get off this shit!? Anesamae is not your friend Sabrina Percy! When the fuck will you learn that? At first I just thought you were losing weight because you weren't eating or something just normal. But cocaine! How long have you been doing this?"

"A month and a half." He looked at me and walked away. It was obvious he was pissed. He was pissed because I didn't listen to him. I felt like I lost a big part of me that day.

I couldn't find anymore cocaine after that day and it was irritating me. Really badly. I would be in my room rocking back in forth crying because I was getting anxiety. I was hooked on this drug.

I couldn't take clients for weeks, no matter how many times I begged him to let me work, no matter how much money they offered, he refused to let me work.

He made me stay in that house and eat, sleep, watch tv, play on my phone, but nothing else. It was agony. I needed a fix so bad. I was scratching myself until I bled, I would scream and kick the door, break stuff. I was scaring all the other prostitutes. Anesamae only laughed. She was getting all the clients, everyone was back on her.

Just how she planned it.

She wanted me to get addicted to this, in hopes that he would find out and make me go through a painful withdrawal. Every time she passed by me it was a snarky remark.

"Hey, I know you're sad and all but I just wanted to let you know, your clients tip very well, too bad you'll never see that again." I just wanted to punch her in her shit ya know? But I couldn't, I was too fucking weak at the time.

"I really think this story amazing honestly, who knew prostitutes went through so much?" A random lady in the crowd said I knew she was being sarcastic though.

"Aren't you a local stripper?" Jeremy side eyed her. She looked at him and rolled her eyes. I wanted to laugh so bad.

"It amazes me how, even though Jeremy cared about you, he never made you leave."

"Because I would've found another pimp, and that meant risking me getting abused again. He's smart enough to realize I wasn't going to leave until I wanted to."

"That's correct." Jeremy said.

"Look this is cool and all but, I just want to know, and excuse my language but, did you ever beat that bitch's ass?" Joshua said making me grin and everyone else glare at him.

"Now why on earth would you like to know that?" Judge Judy asked.

"Because that girl seems like a handful and I wanted to know. Come on I know alot of you guys are pretty pissed off about how she backstabbed her." He looked behind him and I looked and noticed people were actually agreeing.

"Actually we did fight."

"Well guess who wants to hear it? The people in this court room." He said.

They're totally not ready for this violence.

Ten white toes in them Tory flip flops.

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