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Iseul and Taehyung started modeling together for the first time

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Iseul and Taehyung started modeling together for the first time.

Taehyung didn't know what to do with her. He didn't know how far he should have stood away from her or if he should have gotten really close to her.

"Taehyung, it's okay to get closer."

Her gentle and quiet voice reached out to him against the sea of voices that came from the other workers in the room.

She was purposely being quiet, so that no one else would notice how scared he was. She thought of him like a scared deer that was caught in the headlights of a honking car.

Taehyung snapped his head to peer at her face. He stared at her with big eyes and licked his dry lips. She shivered against that action but managed to plaster a kind smile through the excitement in her stomach.

She beckoned him to come closer with her hand and he slowly did, his feet trailing behind. She gripped his hand once he got closer and pulled him closer to her.

"Being afraid or self-conscious is okay, but you have to get used to it if you're going to be a model. Now, we're going to take some photos together, okay? After that, you can go home and eat dinner," she gently told him.

Taehyung didn't even realize how hungry he was until she mentioned dinner. He skipped breakfast because he woke up late and wanted to find something nice to wear, and he didn't have time for lunch because the shoot went on longer without enough time for lunch.

Iseul noticed his hesitation and realization. "Did you perhaps skip a meal today? A lot of models do that."

"It wasn't on purpose," he replied. "I woke up late today and lunch didn't exactly happen for both of us..."

Iseul nodded. "That's okay. One time I was late to a shoot and my manager got really mad at me. I was eating my bagel at home because I was too lazy to get dressed." Iseul laughed.

Taehyung grinned. "How'd you get away with it?"

Iseul laughed again, reminiscing about the memory where her manager gave her a lecture. She leaned into Taehyung and his tall body towered over her.

He smiled down at her and his hand unconsciously rested on her back.

"My manager made me run a mile and eat a salad for the whole day," she told him. "It was torture! I went home and ate some cereal for dinner though."

"Cereal for dinner? You monster," he replied.

The two of them laughed together. Taehyung didn't notice the camera flashing, while Iseul did. Her plan to make Taehyung comfortable worked.

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