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"No way, you're a model? That is so cool!" Jiang exclaimed, laughing over her own words

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"No way, you're a model? That is so cool!" Jiang exclaimed, laughing over her own words.

Taehyung nodded bashfully and played with the cardboard cupholder. "Yeah, it is. It's so much fun. What about you, Jiang? What do you do for a living?"

Jiang felt goosebumps form on her skin. She loved how he said her name. She wanted him to repeat it over and over again. "I'm a photographer, " she replied."I take pictures of a variety of things, but I enjoy taking pictures of people the most. "

"So you're kind of like a photographer for models?" Taehyung asked.

Jiang shrugged. "It's similar to that, but I meant it more as like; I like to take pictures of people when they're not paying attention. I like to catch people when they're comfortable and they don't know what's happening in the world. I like it when they can be themselves in their natural habitat."

"That was really profound, Jiang. That was really nice. I think you might have what it takes to be a famous poet or writer," Taehyung praised.

Jiang smiled at him, gazing at every spot on his face. He said her name again and she loved it. "That's really sweet of you, Taehyung. I'm glad that you think so."

Taehyung took a look at his watch. "I should get going. I have a meeting with someone. It was really nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too. Here's my business card if you ever want to contact me for some photoshoots in the future."

Jiang handed him a business card and he took it, slipping it into his back pocket. He smiled at her before walking to the exit, throwing away his coffee cup on the way out.

Jiang sat at the table and put her coffee down, staring down at her lap. She smiled as she pulled out her phone and checked her camera roll. She had beautiful photos of Taehyung from when she was following him in the crowd. She sneaked photos of him when he was in the waiting area and she took a couple right in front of him when he wasn't looking. Jiang was skilled, but Taehyung was often oblivious to the scenery around him. She liked that about him. She liked how easy it was to get close to him.

She was closer to her goal than ever before. Jiang made a promise to herself that she would end up dating Taehyung. She made it her life goal. She was obsessed with him since high school and she wanted to start a family with him. She wanted to have his children and raise them together. Taehyung had no idea what she had in store for him.

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