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i started kissing him aggressively and he kissed back. his hands roamed my body, as mine did the same. after we finished our kiss i sat down.

"you okay?" Gray asked me.

"no. i'm truly not..." i said as tears formed.

"what's the matter babygirl?" he asked.

"i can't decide!" i yelled becoming angry with myself.

"maybe you need to spend a few days away. you know just to yourself. to think about everything." he suggested.

"maybe..but right now i need a hug." i said looking at him.

"come here." he said grabbing me.

he picked me up and i practically melted into him.

"i love you Gray." i said.

"i love you too." he said hesitantly.

"we should go back down." he said after a few moments.

"yeah. let's go." i said jumping down off Gray and climbing down.

i got down and walked to Ethan's truck tailgate.

"well E i'll see you later i guess. come down and give me a hug goof." i said smiling.

he got down and hugged me tightly.

"i love you." he whispered.

"i love you too E" i said kissing him on the cheek.

i walked up to Gray and kissed him on the cheek and hugged him.

"love you gray." i said.

"i love you too." he said.

"bye guys." i said getting in my car.

the whole way home i processed what had just happened.

i got home and laid my keys down and kicked my shoes off. i went to my room making as little noise as possible. i plopped down on my bed and laid there. i just wanted to text the twins but i couldn't. i laid there and fell asleep in my clothes.

i woke up at 9 that morning, i changed into a black crop top and leggings and white vans.

"brooke?" my mom said coming in my room.

"yeah momma?" i asked.

"you should get out and make more friends." she said setting on my bed.

"mom i start school monday, i'll make friends then." i said.

"i know, just get out the house for a while i have a surprise." she said.

"okay mom." i said she got up and left my room.

i grabbed my purse and put a bathing suit in it and went down stairs and grabbed my keys and left.

i drove around LA looking for fun things to do. alone. not many choices. i looked up things to do in LA on google and the first suggestion was 'The Groove'

"huh the groove? well i guess i'll see what that is." i said putting it into my GPS.

i finally got there and parked. i shopped for hours and hours. i was resting my feet since i had been walking for hours.

"oh. my. god! you're the secret girl!" i heard a group of girls say as i looked up.

"um hi? excuse me." i said laughing.

"Grayson, Ethan. your the girl who's been talking our boys away!" this fan girl said.

"umm i better get going." i said.

"wait sign my phone case?!" she said as i got up.

"um i guess i can do that." i said taking her phone case and signing it.

"aha you are the girl who's been stealing our boys from youtube!" she said getting a angry look on her face.

"excuse me?" i said handing her phone back.

"you know what nevermind i'm just gonna go..." i said walking off.

as i was walking i almost texted Gray, as i was deleting what i had typed i ran into a girl.

"oh my god i'm so so sorry!" she said because her coffee spilled on my crop top.

"it's fine i at least have 8 different choices in these bags." i said laughing.

"thank god your not mad!" she said.

"i'm Brooke, what's your name?" i asked.

"my names Emily!" she said.

"oh, nice to meet you!" i said.

"wanna exchange phone numbers? we should totally hangout sometime!" she said.

"sure!" i said handing her my phone as she put her number.

"well it was nice meeting you! see you soon?" she said.

"of course!" i said as we waved goodbye.


"mom i'm home" i said walking in and laying my keys on the table.

"mom?" i said.

"brooke! your home already!" my mom said coming in the door.

"um yeah.. you said a little bit it's been like 5 hours" i said looking at the time on my phone.

"well come on." she said as she grabbed her keys.

"um okay." i said grabbing my purse.

"where are we going mom?" i asked.

"you'll see when we get there." she said as we pulled out the driveway.

"where are we?" i asked.

"your future house!" she exclaimed.

"OH MY GOD WHAT!" i screamed.

"i hope you like it!" she said.

"well let's go inside!" i said.

"okay." she said as we got out the car.

"i can't believe you bought me this house! wait you're not trying to get rid of me are you?" i asked laughing.

"no hunny! but you'll be graduating soon and you're turning 18 not long after you graduate. and if you wanted this could be your get away place." she said unlocking the door.

"mom this means so much to me!" i exclaimed.

"it's up to you on if you actually want to start moving stuff in. the house is in my name right now, so i'll pay your bills until you get a forever job." she said.

"i'll think about it." i said as i wondered off.

i explored each room and decided which room would be what. i had spent hours just deciding stuff.

"Brooke, are you ready to go back home?" she asked.

"sure." i said as i grabbed my things and we headed home.

i was just about to go to sleep when i got a phone call from Grayson.


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