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I know you all might hate me for this but it would be very boring if I didn't do this.

*4 months later, Christmas Eve*

"This is the first time I've lived somewhere where it was actually not snowing on Christmas Eve." I stated as Ethan and I cuddled on the couch watching tv.

"Really? I would say me too but I've been living in Cali for like 2 years almost." He laughed.

"Yeah, so I was thinking." I said as I paused the movie and turned my full attention to him.

"Oh yeah? About what?"

"Since were going to be raising a child together maybe you could fully move in to my house?" I smiled.

"Really? I've been waiting for you to ask! We can move over my stuff soon." Ethan returned the smile.

"Sounds good." I kissed his check and unpaused the movie.

*7pm back at my house*

3 way FaceTime call with Emily+Katie.

"Soooo, when do you find out the gender?" Katie asked.

"Well I'm 16 weeks at the moment, and i should know when I go back for my monthly visit. Which is in about a month." I smiled.

"I'm so ready to know if I'm gonna have a niece or a nephew!" Emily smiled.

A/N: Emily isn't related to me in any way. Just being close best friends.

"What are you guys routing for?" I asked them.

"Boy!" Emily smiled.

"Nooo! A girl!" Katie laughed.

"What about you girl?" They both asked.

"Either one, but between us, a boy. Please do not tell Eth! He's routing for a girl." I whispered as if Ethan could hear me.

"Where is he anyways?" Katie asked.

"He's in the baby's room, mapping out where he thinks stuff would look good" I got off the bed and walked to the baby's room with them still on FaceTime.

"Hey Em! Hey Kate! How are you guys?" Ethan asked.

"Great, you?" They both replied.

"Good, just waiting for the gender reveal party! Grayson, you, and Harley are still doing it right, Em?"

"Yes sir!" She beamed.

"I'm also may be helping out." Katie revealed.

"Omg what?! You're flying out for it?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes and I'm bringing Kaleb again, if that's alright with you guys?" She asked.

"Of course! The more the merrier!" I said.

"Between us, she invited all of LA" Ethan said.

"Did not!" I pushed him.

"Babe, you invited Nate. I dunno if he wants to come after everything that's happened." Ethan frowned.

"I know, I just thought maybe I should send him an invite, just incase he wants to come"

"Well you guys I'm going to bed. Sorry! I love you both but it's like 10pm here and I'm beat." Katie yawned.

"Yeah I've got a date in a few minutes." Emily blushed.

"I want details tomorrow! You've had a mystery man for quite sometime now." I said.

"Ugh. Fine, and he isn't a mystery man" she laughed.

"Whatever you say."

*Christmas morning*

"Ethannnn! Wake upppp! Time to open presents!" I said excitedly.

"Okayy, I'm getting up" he groaned.

We went into the living room and I gave Ethan a present to start with and then he gave me one.

After opening presents, we packed our bags. We were going to surprise Sean and Lisa. After packing we headed for the airport.


We finally arrived in New Jersey around 1pm.

"Mom, Dad! We're home!" Grayson yelled as we walked in.

"Ethan! Grayson!" Lisa said as I followed them into the kitchen.

"You must be Brooke?" She smiled as she hugged me.

"Yes ma'am. Nice to meet you." I smiled.

"We're gonna head up and unpack, we'll be back down after." Ethan said as he showed me the way.

"Ethan. How are we going to tell her?" I asked as I sat my suitcase beside the dresser.

"Well I'm 18 now, so maybe she'll be calm and treat me as an adult?" He rubbed his neck.

"I sure do hope so. But I don't want to think about that right now, I want to do this." I said as I crashed my lips onto his.

*that night, 8pm*

We were all setting in the living room watching a Christmas movie. Ethan and I cuddled as I worried about what Lisa's reaction would be.

After the movie, Grayson and Sean went to bed as Ethan, Lisa, and I were all talking in the living room.

"So mom, Brooke and I have something we want to tell you." Ethan said nervously.

"What is it?" She looked nervous.

"Brooke is 4 months pregnant...and it's my baby"

There was a short pause.

"I don't know how to react. But I'll be happy as long as you are a good father. I'm happy as long as you're both happy." She said blankly.

"Thank you for being understanding mom." He hugged her.

"Thank you, Lisa. I thought you might be disappointed in me." I frowned slightly.

"Im not excited about all of this, but I'm not disappointed." She once again said blankly.

"Well we're headed to bed mom, I love you. Goodnight." Ethan said intertwining his fingers with mine as we went upstairs.

"Goodnight, I love you too!" Lisa called to us.


It's currently 5:29am. I'm tired but gotta go to orientation in the morning, kms. Anyways, thanks for reading!! I love you guys!


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