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"Grayson?" i said to myself confused.

"hey gray-" i said before i was interrupted by Grayson.

"BROOKE YOU HAVE TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" Grayson yelled through the phone.

"gray calm down. what happened?" i asked nervously.

"it's- Ethan" he said out of breath.

"Gray stay calm i'll be there soon." i said getting out of bed.

i ran down stairs in my pj's and grabbed my keys.

"hon? is that you?" i heard my mom say as i was about to leave.

"Ethan's in the hospital mom, i have to go." i said about to cry.

"drive safely, call me if you need anything." she said concerned.

"thanks mom." i said sprinting out the door across the platform and to my car.

i drove as quickly as i could to get to the hospital. i arrived within 30 minutes.

i ran in and looked all around for Grayson. as i was looking i saw him running to me. i met him in the middle.

"Grayson!" i said into his shoulder as he hugged me.

"broo-ke" he managed to get out.

"no don't talk. just hug me." i said holding him tightly.

we stood there holding each other for numerous minutes.

"okay Gray, what happened to E?" i asked looking him in the eyes.

"he wrecked his dirt bike. i know it doesn't sound bad but— he wasn't- breathing when the ambulance got there. he broke his leg too." Grayson said trying not to cry.

"Gray it's gonna be okay." i said as i led him over to the waiting area.

"i hope so." he said wiping his tears.

we sat there for hours.

"Grayson Dolan?" a doctor said.

"that's me." Grayson said standing up as i followed.

"Ethan's going to be okay, although he's in a coma." the doctor said.

"thank you doctor." i said because Grayson couldn't speak.

"Gray, see he's gonna be okay!" i said excitedly.

"he's in a coma." Gray said quietly.

"what happened to the Grayson who thought positively?" i asked.

"he's still here, i'm just upset." he said.

"let's go for a ride, to clear your head." i said.

"but Eth" he said.

"Lisa and Sean are here, he'll be okay." i said grabbing his hand.

we got in my car and i put the top down and pulled out the parking garage.

as i drove he looked out the window blankly. i pulled up to my house.

"who's house are we at?" he asked.

"mine, come on." i said.

we went inside.

"um Brooke, there's nothing in here." he said.

"shut up goofball i know, follow me." i said as i went up the stairs.

"whoa this view is amazing." he said.

"yeah this was one of the many bonuses of this house." i said.

"oh really? what are the others?" he asked.

"well for starters you can see a lot of LA, and the neighbors are nice, i have a bay window in my room too. the only thing that would make it better is if it were on the beach." i said.

"yeah that would be pretty amazing." he said looking out over La.

"thanks for this." he said.

"for what?" i asked.

"bringing me here, to help me clear my head. this really means a lot." he said hugging me.

"no problem Gray." i said returning the hug.

*the next day*

i woke up on my rooftop. i looked around as i remembered last night.

"Gray?" i said looking around.

i got up and went downstairs. no Grayson. i went outside and my car was gone.

"oh no." i said.

"my phone and everything was in there!" i exclaimed.

i went back inside and cut everything off and then went back out and locked the house and started walking.

i finally got home after a good 45 minutes.

"mom?" i yelled.

"in the kitchen hon" she said back.

"mom can you give me a ride to the hospital?" i asked.

"uh sure hon" she said confused.

"i'll explain on the way." i said.

while on the way i explained to my mom what happened. at first she didn't like the idea of Gray taking my car, but i explained that something with Ethan must've came up.

we walked into the hospital and over to the waiting room. i looked around for Grayson and his family but didn't see them anywhere.

"i'm going to go talk to the nurse okay?" i said to my mom.

"okay sweetie. i'll be here." she said setting down.

"hi. i'm here to ask about Ethan Dolan?" i said.

"ah yes, Ethan's awake, and he's allowed visitors, would you like to see him?" she asked.

"yes please." i said.

"right this way." she said as i followed her.

"Ethan you have company." she said as i followed in behind her.

"brooke, i'm so sorry, but mom called and said" i interrupted Grayson.

"it's fine i'm not mad." i said as i walked over and sat beside Ethan's bed.

"hiya beautiful" he said smiling.

"hey E, how ya feelin?" i asked.

"well my leg hurts but other than that i'm fine." he said looking at his leg.

"i'm sorry E" i said.

"it's cool, so what did my douchebag of a brother do to you?" he asked.

"welp Ethan's back." Grayson said laughing.

"ah it was nothing." i said looking at Gray.

"come on tell me." he said.

"Eth we will be back we're going to the cafeteria." Lisa said as her and Sean left the room.

"tell meee" Ethan said.

"fine, he took my car and made me walk to my moms house and get a ride here." i said.

"your a dick man." Ethan said to Grayson.

"ah shut up" he said laughing.


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