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       Augustus was sweating profusely!
Out of confusion he had left his horse behind and had ran on foot, towards Magnus lair.
After his daughter went missing four hours ago, Augustus and few other men had searched the whole place for her, but she had not been found. He had retreated into his room and cried bitterly. When his wife came in,she had taken one look at him an said.
"You are a failure Augustus!, you have brought pains into this household because of your involvement with that man!".

He had tried to talk to her,but she had shunned him. " I don't care about what you have to say,we will only talk when I carry my child in my arms". She'd ran out of the house.

     As he reached Magnus abode, he asked  to see him. Few minutes later,he was ushered in.
Magnus stood from his desk. "Long time no see my friend".
Augustus moved and bowed before him. " good evening master".
Magnus picked up his glass and tilted it towards Augustus. "Wine?"
   "No master".
    " suit yourself,how have you been old friend?"
     "I've been getting along just fine, until tonight."
      "Oh,what is the problem". Magnus feigned ignorance.
    Trying to keep his voice steady Augustus replied.  " my daughter was abducted tonight ".
       " That is such a pity".
       "I suppose, please Master, help me."
    Magnus laughed till tears dripped from his eyes. "How can I possibly help you Augustus?"
       "You can help me by giving me back my daughter".
       " I never said I had her".
       "Please I beg of you, my wife will never forgive me. I'll do anything just please let me have her."
       "Well, if you're willing to do anything for that scrawny daughter of yours, you do remember which chapter we were,in our little secret book. Don't you?"
     "I remember". Augustus answered solemnly.
     " good. Now let's open that book one more time,and this time we finish it once and for all."

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