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Lady Charlotte lay curled up on her gigantic bed. She hadn't left her room since two days after they returned from Ponti, Christopher had visited her everyday but he ended up leaving disappointed as Charlotte wouldn't say anything to him. As days went by, things became more difficult for them both, Charlotte couldn't get over the truth that she had lost her daughter again.

Maria had been locked up in the dungeon, she was given food and fresh clothing twice a day.
Other inmates started to whisper and soon enough it became a demand, they wanted to know why Maria gets better treatment and attention than them. Maria would sit in her cell and watch them as they screamed for answers.
She didn't understand why lady Charlotte would spare her life after what she had done in the past, only to end up locking her in this place. She felt miserable but she was ready to accept her punishment.

Three months had passed and everyday was eventful for Miranda, she had learnt what she needed to do for Belinda. They both engaged in different activities together, Miranda taught her how to weave baskets and Belinda was really improving everyday.

After she accepted the offer from lady Henrietta, she had a tough time trying to learn the roles of how things worked. The first few weeks were terrible for both her and the child, sometimes she'd say something and realize that what she had just spoken was not for a little girls hearing.

Often, Belinda would want to be left alone, but Miranda never knew when to take the hint, till one bright morning when Belinda was sulking and Miranda thought it wise to try and cheer her up.

"Belinda sweetie, please get up" Belinda turned towards the opposite direction, showing Miranda her back.
Miranda tried again, "Belinda I want you to get up this minute!, breakfast is ready and you can't stay right here when you should be downstairs eating.

Belinda had sprung up from the bed with tears in her eyes and ran out of the house, Miranda went to look for her but she couldn't find her, getting nervous because of the girls disappearance, she rushed to girl's brother's office and knocked loudly.

Since she came to live with the Walker's she had spoken to Master John just once, not that she was scared of him but she automatically turned into an idiot whenever she was around him, so she figured it was best if she didn't say anything when he was around.

Knocking loudly the second time, she heard a low grunt coming from the inside of the room, taking it as a yes, she opened the door and walked in.
John was standing by the window staring at the grasses, he turned to her and smiled thinly, he usually does that whenever he saw her, Miranda had noticed.
" Good morning master John ". She greeted with her head bent low.

", John, just call me john" he corrected as he put his hand in his pant pocket.

" okay John". Miranda blushed a little, "I'm here because of Belinda."

At the mention of his sisters name he perked up, "what seem to be the problem?" He asked, a frown creasing his forehead.

"She ran out of bed this morning after I asked her to come down for breakfast, she didn't return so I went to look for her and I didn't find her."

John moved over to Miranda, he touched her shoulders softly as he looked into her eyes, " have you checked the meadow?"

Miranda shook her head," what would she be doing in there? " she asked agitated.

"Miranda listen, my father was my sisters hero and after he died she became withdrawn even if we all thought that she was too young to understand death. She wouldn't talk to anyone and when she feels sad, she goes to his graveside."

Miranda nodded in understanding, "I'll go check on her now. Thank you mas... John" she said quietly, still finding it hard to call him by name.

"Miranda?" John called after her,

"yes John."

"Give her time, she'll come around, believe me.

She nodded visibly and left the room. That was the second time she had a conversation with him, and from that day onward Belinda opened up to her and the two became so close.

Henrietta would hear their laughter whenever they were around her and her heart would soar, finally someone else could make her daughter happy.

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