New Breeds Of Evil

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I rubbed my sore wrists. Man, those restraints were right as hell.

"You do know I'm a hunter, right?" I asked incredulously.

Dean cleared his throat. "Uh. Yeah. For the most part." He looked at his brother who was furiously typing on the keyboard of his laptop. "Sammy and I have just ran into a few, uh, posers lately. Got into a couple messes here and there. Part of the life, ya know?"

"Yeah," I said hardly. "I know."

Dean sat back. "You know, you really do have the most brilliant blue eyes. I've never seen anything like them."

I rolled my eyes.

"Right now isn't really the time for flirtations, Dean. Come look at this." Sam waved us over to the window where the table sat. He turned the screen towards us.

"So get this, there have been sightings of this Pope Lick Goatman dating back to the late 1940s, early 50s. Witnesses say it's a man sized creature with black haired goat legs, a human torso, and goat horns. He's usually seen around the woods by the trestle. It's said that he uses hypnosis to lure people up there where he kills them. He mimics the voice of a loved one, or special person to bring them close enough. One legend suggests that he holds you down until a train comes across and kills you. Another says he bargains with you. It's said that the fallen victims would've rather jumped to theirs wan death than approach the monster."

"So, what're you thinking? Shapeshifter? Goat-werewolf hybrid? Ha, weregoat! No?" Dean laughed at his own joke when neither of us reacted.

"I don't know, Dean. I've never seen anything like this before. I mean, cryptids aren't supposed to exist."

"But neither are ghosts, or demons, or vampires, or anything else that we hunt," I jutted in.

"Well, that's true. But still, how do we know this is a real job?"

I stood up quickly in anger and frustration.

"Because I lost my sister to this job. That's why I'm here. To finish this. To kill the thing that killed off the last little bit of family I had left. " I sat back down. "And it's not a cryptid. I've been to the site already. It's a crossroad demon. But it's different than any other thing I've seen before. All the evidence points toward it. You just have to know."

The Winchesters looked at each other inquiringly, and then back to me.

"Okay." Dean said. "Then let's go check it out."

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