Legend Busters

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Dean, Sam, and I climbed into the Impala and drove across town to the trestle. We would have to wait until it got dark to really check it out, but it wouldn't hurt to drive by.

A metal fence blocked adrenaline pumped teenagers from pushing their own death on the tracks, but it hardly stood as security. All Sam would have to do is step over it.

Two different roads passed underneath with a narrow strip of wildlife still left between them. Tall plants and flowers sprouted there, stretching to meet the sun, spilling onto the pass. Trees surrounded them. The world around them was a deep lush green with hints of different reds, yellows, and browns peeking through the leaves and grass.

The earth never ceased to excite and intrigue me. All of this life! The tiny insects that traveled around, helping the environment in more ways than we give them credit for. The animals that played predator-and-prey to prevent overpopulating. If humans would just let nature do it's job, the earth would be in a much better place. I mean, how important is lipstick to you?

I looked to the partly cloudy sky. The deep, bright blue almost matched my eyes. The clouds crawled by lazily, inching their way in a little race across the globe. I wondered how it would feel to be among those clouds; to fly so high, your worries stayed far away. I bet it would be invigorating: to feel the wings sprout from your back and stretch across the empty space.

I felt a memory tug. Wings? Black ones. Like my hair. With a sheen of blue. What... I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You okay back there?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just looking at the scenery. It's so beautiful out here it's hard to imagine how much death this place holds."

Sam cleared his throat. "You know, some of the most precious and beautiful things in life come from darkness and pain. It makes us take a look at all the things that we took for granted before."

I smiled and quietly agreed.

"Okay you two lovebirds. Look over there. See that car? He hasn't moved from that spot since we got here. He's sleeping, which tells me we won't have too much of a problem tonight."

"Yeah, unless another cop comes and takes his place. But the files say that there hasn't been a death here in a few years, so we should be okay," Sam commented.

"Let's get some grub and come back around midnight, shall we?"


The car purred to a stop beside the wire fence. The full moon illuminated all of dew on the leaves. It was a bit chilly for a mid-September night.

I wrapped Dean's jacket around me. My long khaki colored coat smelled like it hadn't been washed in a year. Maybe that was because it hadn't. So Dean reluctantly let me borrow his.

We threw our bag over the fence as we made our way over it. It wasn't hard for Sam; the fence only came up to his chin.

"Is this yarrow?" Dean asked, as he picked something up from between the two roads. It was many yellow flowers bunched together on one long stem. The bottom was pretty flat, not rounded like the others you see in the wild. It was yarrow: an important ingredient to summon a crossroads demon.

"But what kind of crossroads demon shows up as an animal/human mutant?"

"Well, they usually project anything that the summoner wants to see, right? That's why hot babes show up for most of the male summoners. There was that one time Snookie showed up. Man, was that awkward," Dean shifted his weight and laughed. When he saw that he was the only one relishing the memory, he quickly got back to buisness mode.

I began to walk towards the tracks. "Alright. Let's trap ourselves a demon."

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