He's Hereee

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As we trekked down the miniature hill to the road underneath the tracks, I searched the darkness, my bright blue eyes growing wider, like an owl's. We had no idea what this creature actually looked like. Drawings and descriptions varied from flowing hair on it's head, with course, hairy, black legs and the torso of a man, to huge horns with no hair except it's legs and very human-like qualities. I stayed in step with the Winchesters. We all needed to stay close together. Another legend claimed that the monster could mimic the voice of a loved one, or helpless person.

The last thing I needed was to hear Gabrielle's voice to beckon me onto the tracks. I shivered even just thinking about her death here. A few months ago, my sister would have been standing right next to me here, hunting this thing with us. But no. This creature had lured her in and mutilated her. The last thing I remembered was hearing her screams, her bones breaking, her blood choking off the sound of her fight.

The boys turned around.

"You alright?" Dean asked, quietly. I was a couple of yards behind them, frozen mid-step.

I shook off the fear, the pain. It was a common thing to do when you grow up hunting. You become the bait if you show any weakness.

"I'm fine." I began walking past them. "Let's go."

* * *

Sam filled in the lines of the Devil Trap. It was a deep green, a color we had hoped the demon couldn't tell when we summoned it. It would walk right through and- BAM! Trapped like a lobster we could deep fry in a pan of deserving death.

Dean had the box ready to bury. A picture of himself, graveyard dirt, a black cat's femur, and yarrow from the corner of the crossroad, all wrapped up in a hefty cigar box. It was the main ingredients to summon one of those filthy fuckers.

"Why would people even summon demons? It's idiotic! I mean, do they not even watch television. All it does is mess up your life more than it already was, as well as punishing those around you." I crossed my arms.

Sam turned his head towards me as he made the final touches on the trap. "Some people want their lives to end well. I mean, you're going to die someday anyway, right? So why not die surrounded by the things or people that make you happy?"

"Except you don't die happy," Dean included. " You die surrounded by hellhounds, and trust me, being one of those thing's chew toy isn't anywhere near what I would call 'loving'."

That's right, I thought. This is the man that has been to hell and back. No one really knows how he came back. There was a really strange rumor, but I couldn't remember what it was. It hurt my head just trying to think about it. I focused on what we were doing instead, shaking my out my hair.

The boys stood up as Dean began to recite the incantation:

Daemon, esto subiecto voluntati meae.

We waited for a few minutes. The wind howled softly, the full moon was covered by the clouds. It looked a storm was coming all of a sudden.

"Do you think it worked?" Dean asked.

"Oh, it worked alright." A young woman's voice appeared from far above us, on top of the trestle. "Why don't you come up here and see for yourself?" The demon giggled.

"Thanks hun, but I usually don't swing for demons. Nice try though." Dean mocked it.

The creature laughed again. "Oh, that's right..." The creature's voice began to shift into a lower octave, somewhat deep, and honey-like, definitely a male, from the roughness underneath it all.Thunder cracked across the sky.

"You prefer angels.."

Dean tensed up, like he knew that voice. It felt familiar to me as well. It made me uncomfortable. Where have I heard that voice from...? It was obviously someone Dean and I had both known. Wait, did it say an ANGEL? No, angels don't exist.

"Come down here and fight, you pussy!" Dean shouted. "Fight like a man!"

"Oh, but Dean," Dean turned around to face the hideous creature. It's hair was dark and sinewy, torso hairy and covered in mud. His eyes shined a nauseating green when the light of the uncovered the moon fell on them. His pig-like hands grabbed Dean. "I'm already here."

The monster threw him to the ground.

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