Interrogation? Really?

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When I came to, I was sitting in a chair by the tiny breakfast table. Outside, the shone down hot. I had reached up to rub my eyes when my hand caught.

What the hell? I strained against the rope that held my arms and legs to the chair. It was useless. I was trapped.

"Oh, you're not goin' anywhere."

I looked up. Dean Winchester stood in front of me, arms crossed over his broad chest. Plaid Giant- Sam. God damn it.- was sitting in the bed.

"Wanna tell us what you're doin' here?" Sam squinted his eyes.

"I could ask you guys the same thing. Last I heard, you were dead. Again."

"Surprise!" Dean waved his hands in the air. "Answer our question."

I pulled against the restraints. "I'm working a case."

"What case?" Sam got up and stepped closer to me.

I laughed. I thought that these guys were geniuses. I mean they're legendary hunters! Guess run ours aren't always true. "Not yours. Anyone who works with a Winchester ends up dead. Especially when...involved."

Everyone's eyes drifted to Sam.

He shifted uncomfortably. "Look, there's nothing here. I checked. It's just a normal small town in Kentucky."

"That's what all the horror movies say. If only you could stop chasing Daddy around the country long enough, you could sit down and watch the news! you're in Louisville: Home of the Pope Lick Goatman. They've done multiple news segments, documentaries, movies, it even has it's own Facebook page."

"Seriously?" Dean looked between me and Sam incredulously. "A Facebook page? Are people seriously that stupid? Stuff like this doesn't exist! It's like Sasquatch!"

"Yeah, except there's tons of real lore on it! No. No, I'm not working this with you. This is my case! You'll just screw it up!"

"Well, I'm glad you have so much faith in us. But, uh, you aren't getting out of that chair," he pointed to my legs and smirked. "Until you tell us everything you know."

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