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The inside of the castle was magnificent too. Every breath, every whisper reverberated off the walls, giving the place an eerie silence.

They soon came to the centre of one of the turrets. It had a frozen lake.

“Oh, I want to go for ice skating,” Shizuka pleaded with him.

“What about ice skates?”

“No problem, I’m Elsa,” Shizuka winked and gracefully moved her hands in the air.

Immediately a pair of ice-skates appeared on her feet.

“They are made of ice,” Nobita exclaimed.

“I have powers to mobilize ice,” Shizuka explained, and stepped on the thick, uniform ice.

“Yoo-hoo,” she was so happy, as she moved in a rhythm, tracing out strange patters, taking graceful turns and doing somersaults in the air.

“Come join me,” she screamed in ecstasy.

“I would better not, I don’t know skating,” he gave a dry smile.

“Oh come on, I will teach you,” Shizuka went to him and dragged him into the skating rink.

All his protests were in vain as he found himself on ice-skaters. He wobbled at the beginning. No sooner had she left his hands than he was on the floor.

She helped him up with great difficulty and he slipped yet again. His face hit the ice hard.

“Come on, Nobita, just make an effort,” she encouraged.

Nobita could do anything for her. After another half an hour of falling and standing, finally he could learn to balance himself. She moved slowly, dragging him along. His knees shook.

“Don’t be afraid,” her sweet voice rang out.

He felt more motivated and after another hour he was on the ice, dancing with her.

“We need music,” Shizuka commented.

“What’s this for? I stole it from Doraemon,” Nobita held up the white semicircular thing. It was Doraemon’s spare 4D pocket. It had all the gadgets in his original pocket.

Sticking his tongue out in the cutest possible way, he thrust his hands in the pocket and drew out the ROBOT MUSIC ORCHESTRA SET.

Once there was music, they danced away.

Finally they were so tired that they sat down on one of the two ice thrones in the courtroom.

“We need food. Do you have the GOURMET TABLE CLOTH?”

Nobita immediately spread out the cloth, an invention of the 21st century, from where the robotic cat, Doraemon had come.






They went on calling one after the other till the cloth was filled with all the delicacies. They chatted and ate to their full.
Then they had a snow fight and as usual Shizuka won. They were drenched to their skin, but their heart was contented.

“We have to leave. I have to go do homework, Nobita,” Shizuka apologized after a long time had passed.

“Fine,” he beamed, let’s go back.

“This has been so enjoyable,” Shizuka gushed, “Could we please come back tomorrow? I would love to be here.”

“Yeah I guess,” Nobita couldn’t help smiling at her cute pout.

Snow crunched under their feet as they stepped out of the castle.
Shizuka held on to his waist while he pressed the button.

Nothing happened.

He pressed it again.

“It’s not working,” he looked helplessly at Shizuka.

She froze, “Don’t tell me we are trapped.”

“Seems like we are,” he was close to tears, “I should never have brought you here, I am so sorry.”

“Hey, it’s okay. We will find a way out,” she assured.

“D-O-R-A-E-M-O-N!!!!” they screamed together. Only if he could hear their cries.

593 words
To be continued...

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