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They were running through the snow, desperately trying to find a way to escape.

Nobita who was too poor at sports or other activities was panting soon.

A blast of hot air suddenly made then jump into the air. Shizuka’s blood froze, because just behind Nobita was a dragon. A vile creature in pink and brown, stared at the pair with its fiery, bloodshot eyes.

It breathed fire and Nobita narrowly escaped the flames

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It breathed fire and Nobita narrowly escaped the flames.
Panicking, Shizuka dragged him up from the ground and they started fleeing, holding each other’s hand.

The dragon was in no mood to give up the chase. With each passing minute, they became breathless.

“Where the heck did a dragon come from in the story of ‘Frozen’?”

“I don’t know, the gadget must be malfunctioning, trapping us here. I think it has mixed up two fairytales,” he shouted.

“Doraemon did not check it?”

“It had been unused for a long time. I persuaded him to take it out”

“Oh shit! What are we going to do?”


They ran for life, stumbling and falling, getting up, running again to a destination, none of the two knew.

Who knew, a simple winter fun would lead to such a calamity?

“Shizuka stop,” Nobita screamed, because just in front of them was an ice gorge.

It was some 100 feet deep with a frozen river in its valley. They would have fallen right into it.

The gap to the other end was too much to jump. And the dragon still was coming behind them, melting the snow with its fire, along the way.

They were truly trapped without any way of escape.

In her fear Shizuka hugged Nobita tightly and he too hugged her back, each seeing comfort and assurance.

Neither of them spoke as they dropped to the ground, passive and inert. They knew it was too late to try anything.

They closed their eyes in fright as the terrible mythical monster headed straight for them

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They closed their eyes in fright as the terrible mythical monster headed straight for them.

Suddenly they felt themselves being snatched away from the ground and they soared high up in the air.

They both opened their eyes to see themselves flying with the BAMBOO-COPTER on their head. And someone was holding them by the back of their collars.

“Doraemon, you saved us,” they exclaimed in unison as they were lifted higher and higher till they reached the top of a rocky cliff.

“How did you find us?” asked they as soon as they had set foot on solid ground.

“I was approached by a mechanic from the 21st century asking to repair my FAIRYTALE MANIPULATOR. I knew you people were using it. I came back home to find you missing and it was well past dinner time. I knew then that you must have been trapped. I didn’t check the gadget. It’s all my fault. I am such a bad robot,” he wept, banging his head.

“No, no it’s okay. You saved us,” the two friends got busy patting him and soothing him.

“Are you sure?” he looked up, tears glistening in his eyes.

They smiled.

He cleared his throat, blew his nose and hugged them again, “You are the best friends in the universe.”

They locked him in an embrace.
Finally Doraemon took out his ANYWHERE DOOR, the beautiful teleportation door, in pink pastels.

He attached a time turner to it, dialed the time wheel to a time two hours earlier

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He attached a time turner to it, dialed the time wheel to a time two hours earlier.

“Remember you have to do your homework and submit an assignment on your holiday,” reminded Shizuka.

“Oh No,” Nobita groaned, as Doraemon opened the door.
On the other side was Nobita’s room, nowhere like the ice palace. But it was home, a safe haven where nothing could ever harm them.

617 words
To be continued...

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