January 8, 2018

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Dear Belinda,

While most were down and out of it on Monday, you smiled brightly. I didn't know why and before I could ask you told me.

You came out.

I took in every single word that rushed out of your mouth due to your excitement. How you were nervous, how you expected nothing but contempt from your parents but instead received love. I couldn't have been happier for you in that moment.

You hugged me so tight I could practically feel my eyes pop out of my head but I didn't mind. Your excitement soon passed, though, but you hardly seemed upset. You were calm and your smile still remained, but I could tell you were holding back a question.

"Should I tell them?"

I knew you were referring to Rebbeca, MacKenzie, Rebelle. I didn't say anything for a moment because I was afraid of how they might react. They could react negatively and tell you to buzz off and I didn't want that. On the other hand, I wanted to tell you that real friends would love you no matter what.

Then I internally kicked myself and just told you it's your decision.

You were free to make your own decisions and you didn't need someone like me - an antisocial weirdo - telling you how to break news to your best friends of nearly 10 years.

When you hugged me again with a lot less body-crushing force, I could tell you were content with my advice.

And I couldn't have been more thrilled for you.



I didn't realize it until now, but there are two more chapters left in the story! Time moves hella fast. As always, suggestions and comments are always accepted and be sure to vote if you liked this letter.


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