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Hello, everyone! I bet you all have been wondering where I have been... Its been quite the ride and not a fun one. The next two chapters are in honor of my Grandmother who passed away January 23rd. The past few months prior had been a mix between work and hospital visits. I'm just glad she isn't in pain anymore...


"paps. i really don't think that this is a good idea. she should probably still be eating something light." the small skeleton pulled the plate of spaghetti away from you as you sat between the brothers at a tiny kitchen table. Content to watch the two of the bicker about your predicament like always. It was just easier to deal with them that way. Also if it wasn't for the fact that the numbness was still very present within your body, you would even say that their interactions were kind of cute. It was obvious that the two got along rather well.

The taller skeleton scoffed. "NONSENSE, SANS! HER FEVER BROKE ABOUT A WEEK AGO AND SHE MANAGED TO EAT SOME OF THE FOOD YOU BROUGHT HOME FROM GRILLBY'S JUST FINE. IF SHE CAN KEEP SOMETING FROM THAT GREASE TRAP DOWN THEN A GOOD WHOLESOME MEAL OF SPAGHETTI SHOULD BE JUST FINE." Said spaghetti plate was pulled back into it's original position in front of you. A plate of perfectly normal monster spaghetti. It did smell rather good though.

"she's only better because toriel stopped by and helped her with some healing magic. there is a distinct possibility that she could get sick again." This time the plate was dragged away with a slight blue aura around it that you had learned was a sign of Sans's magic. He had used it a couple of times in your presence and was surprised that you didn't really react. Then again, you didn't really react much to anything right now. What was the point?

Yet, he was right.

When Toriel visited, you had been asleep again because of how weak your body was getting. By the time you woke up, their friend had already left and your fever was practically nonexistent. Your body wasn't as achy as it had been either. Even some old scars you've had for years had almost disappeared on your skin. It was the most refreshed and energetic you have felt for years... for about a day. Then whatever was going on with you seemed to catch up and you were numb again. Life seemed to be draining something very important from you at a pretty consistent rate. You were thinking that the thing that Papyrus told you about the other day was it. HP or... hope? You were losing hope in life? Oh well, the only bonus after the visit is that you didn't completely feel like death anymore because the fever was gone. Still, you have never experienced monster magic so you don't know how it would effect you. Everyone was different. There was a chance that your health could decline again but this time it wouldn't be caused by the fact you jumped into a frozen lake.

The spaghetti plate was now in front of you again and you were kind of just done with the two of them bickering. Not only that, you were a little hungry. So just as Sans lifted the dish with his magic, you snatched it out of the air with one hand and dove your fork into the pasta with the other. Wordlessly, you took a bite while dragging the plate back to the table against Sans's magic. Which was actually a struggle. For some reason, the small skeleton really didn't want you eating this pasta.

There was a tense pause as both skeleton monsters watched you eat the bite in silence. Papyrus had a look of pure excitement whereas Sans looked more concerned than he should be. You kept your gaze even with them as you chewed slowly a couple of times and swallowed. A look of pure amazement flew across the smaller brother's face while the taller straightened up, completely satisfied with the outcome.

"so... how is it...?" Sans was still looking at you with amazement and you gave him a shrug in response. To be honest, you have had better spaghetti but at the same time you have eaten a lot of significantly worse things. This flavor didn't even come close to those culinary abominations. So you took another bite and just continued to eat with Sans watching you as if you were some sort of enigma. If Papyrus noticed his brother's reaction to his cooking then he was an amazing actor for not showing anything in response.

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