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Middle school AU this time! I hope whoever sees this likes it! Please vote and comment💕

Simons P.O.V


Middle School. Those two words scare me more than anything else.

Today is my first day of middle school and I'm absolutely terrified. I should probably introduce myself, hi my name is Simon Snow and I'm about to start my first day of middle school, wait, I already saw that. Oops. Anyway, middle school terrifies me because the middles schoolers used to tease me and I also kind of sort of don't have any friends. I'm scared of doing it alone, scratch that, I'm scared of being alone. Not scared, terrified. I just don't want to be seen as the weird kid without any friends, again.

I don't know why I don't have any friends, I'm nice. I'm also a bit selfless, I always put other people before myself. I personally don't think I'm that good looking but people aren't that shallow, right? If they are I don't understand why.

It's time for school to start and mum won't let me stay in the car any longer. She says that I'll be fine and make tons of friends, maybe she's right. But then again, there is the possibility of everyone hating me, again.

I hastily get out of the car and make my way to school. I finally enter the doors of he-school, I mean school. I tend to stumble over my words hehe. Now its time to find my class room, great, this school is huge. I somehow get to class on time, I have no idea how.

I enter the rom and it looks like very other classroom to ever exist, extremely plain. I met my teacher a little while ago and he's pretty nice. He said that he thinks I'll make tons of friends, thats what everyone says. I know they only say it to make me feel better, I'm not an idiot.

Anyway, back to the classroom. I find an empty seat at the back of the class next to an extremely cute boy. Just so you know, I'm gay and my mums known that I'm gay since before I knew I was gay. Okay, now back to me sitting next to an extremely cute boy. I cant really see much, but from the glimpse of him that I got I know that he's extremely cute. He has his head down right now, so all you can see is his long black hair.

And now, class begins. Since nothing happened in class (which is good) I'm just going to fast forward to lunch. I'm looking for the cute boy. He's cute so I'm obviously going to try and eat lunch with him. I find him outside eating lunch by himself. I decide to not say anything because knowing me I probably wouldn't be able to get a word out. I offer him half of my cookie and he accepts. He also doesn't bother to say a word, that makes me happy because I don't feel like talking right now.

We eat in complete and utter silence until he speaks up, "My name is Baz" He says.

"I uh I-I'm Simon" I reply.
"You're cute. Also, thanks for the cookie it was delicious." He gets up and walks away without another word.

I sit there unable to do anything. A boy just called me cute. Not just any boy, the boy that I've been crushing on all day. No boys ever called me cute except for my mum. Attractive boys never even look at me unless its with disgust. I have to tell mum about this. More importantly I have to talk to Baz again! What am I doing sitting here doing nothing?! An extremely attractive bot just called me cute ad i'm just going to sit here and do nothing?! I have to go after him!

I get up and run after Baz. I have to find him. I run to the classroom to see if he's there and guess what? He is. I walk over to him an he looks at me. "Y-you're c-ute to" I stutter out.

He blushes and smiles!! I did that I made him blush and smile!! I can't believe I made a boy blush and smile! This is the best day ever! I thought that middle school would be terrible, its not terrible! Its amazing! I'm now just standing here, in front of Baz, frozen. I'm pretty sure anyone who's ever existed can sense my nervousness. I know that Baz does.

"Wanna come over to my house on Saturday?" He asks

'"S-sure" I mange to say. A boy just asked me to come over to his house, this is defiantly the best day ever.

"You should sit down, class is about to start"

"O-okay" I whisper while sitting down next to him. I can't believe this happened. Wow, just wow. I'm actually speechless. I don't think I've ever been speechless, at least in my head I haven't.

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