Before the Begining

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It's been over a year. In in that time so much has changed. Metro Man is gone, Megamind became a hero, he gained and lost Roxanne, and now Megamind sits in his lair lazily playing fetch with his brain bots. Two months, two months and his heart still hurts. Roxanne was not happy and he couldn't force it even if he wanted too.

"Megamind It's over. I'm sorry" Roxann says as she turns to leave the lair.

"Wait! Roxy please," the blue headed man grabs her arm to stop her, "Why, why are you doing this?"

She turns to look at him. Tears had swelled in her eyes but she keeps them focused on his emerald orbs, "Because, you are never there for me. You are always patrolling and fighting evil which I get it, it's important to do. I just wish you can make time for us, for me. Let me help, or at least leave a note or something!" She pushes him away, "You can be gone for days! Goodbye Megamind"

Turning on her heels, she ran out of the lair leaving the broken hearted blue man where he stood.

He through the wrench again. Minion walked through the entrance after the brainbots had flew past. In his mechanical hand were the keys to the spider bot.

"Um, sir?" he asked timidly. Minion knew how devastated Megamind was, "It's almost five o'clock. We need to patrol today so I thought we could take spider bot. I know he cheers you up."

A heavy sigh came from Megamind, "Right thanks but can we please take the car? I want to do some tinkering while we're out."

With a nod, Minion walked out and Megamind was slowing following behind him. Before walking to the car he grabs a gun about the size of a small riffle and some tools. He jumped into the passenger seat and put his head down. He wasn't even looking for evil. This has been the norm for a while now. Minion was used to looking around for the evil ever since Roxanne left. Waiting to break the silence, Minion spoke up.

"So sir, What is it you have been working on again?"

"Really? I've told you you multiple times, it's a portal gun." Megamind shot back.

"I-I know sir, just why?"

A loud sigh came from Megaminds lips, "I don't know. Roxanne was the one who came up with the idea but I know she will never come back to me so what's the point. It's something that gets my mind off things-"

He was cut short by Minion slamming on the breaks. In front of the car was a bank robbing.

"Sir! Get out there and help it."

"Oh.. Oh! Right!" Megamind hopped out of the car with the portal in one hand and his de- gun in the other. The bank then exploded and robbers ran out but stopped as soon as they saw Megamind.

"Please boys you're turning this bank into a flee market with all the citizens scared, so stop your running." he said as he raised his de- gun set to dehydration "or face time behind bars."

They all dropped everything and began running so he dehydrated them. After picking them up and giving them to the cops he turned to go back to the car but he didn't know there was a stowaway hidden where they could see him, he shot at Megamind who fell, dropping his portal gun. The gun bounced off the ground and made a portal which it fell through. Without thinking Megamind shouted "No!"

He jumped up and ran toward the portal which he jumped into, and as soon as he did it closed leaving the city and minion alone without a hero.

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