Guest Bedroom

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The two of you got inside and got everything situated. As Megamind was looking around your kitchen and living room you told him to stay in there so that you could get the spare bedroom cleaned out for him.

"I could help you, ya know." He suggested to you.

You told him that you wanted to do it. Since he is knew to this dimension in general that you want him to get comfortable with his surroundings.

"Just stay out here for a while okay? Watch some TV maybe," You handed him a remote, "I just wasn't expecting company and you shouldn't have to take care of my priorities."

With a nod Megamind went to the couch and you went down the hall to the second door on the right with all of your cosplay supplies. When you opened the door you realized how big of a job this was really going to be. The bed had pieces of fabric and all sorts of other things scattered along it. On the floor there was foam and hot glue and scraps of paper. The desk was the only thing clean (If you could still call it that). There was papers scattered to the sides of the desk with a place big enough for a laptop to sit along with a printer there.

With a sigh you emptied the trash bag, folded the clean cut fabrics and put them in a dresser in the room. You then began to pick up the rest scraps and put them in the empty bag.

Megamind sat on the couch sprawled out bored as he lazily flipped through channels. He was so bored after two hours of just Television. He hasn't seen (Y/N) in a while and thought he would investigate.

He got up and took off his watch turning back from Bernard to Megamind. Being like that for too long will give him a headache. He took off his cape and draped it on one of the chairs in the dining room and mozied down the hall. It was getting hot for spring and his cape tends to hold in heat. The only room with a door open was the last one on the right but it was barely cracked.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Are you oh!" He covered his eyes seeing you working without a shirt on. Your bra was a simple white sports bra and covered yourself fine.

He turned around blushing, "I-I'm so sorry!"

You gasped and grabbed your shirt and threw it on really quickly, "Oh my sorry! It was getting warm. I didn't think you would come down here!"

Both of you were getting flustered. You were mad that he didn't knock before he came in. You were not used to having others at your place. If you hung out with people you always went somewhere else.

You took a deep breath calming down, "Sorry I didn't think you would come. Anyway the room is pretty much clean now.... You can turn back around."

Megamind turn back cautiously seeing you with your shirt back on and then at the room. It was nice little room with light blue accents on the white walls. Lots of wood furnishing like the nightstand and the dresser.

"This will do. It's very nice thank you." He said still embarrassed but trying to hide it. He sat on the bed.

You began to walk out of the room, "Well if you need me I'll be in my room. It's right across the hall," you turned to him right before you walked out the door, "And knock please."

Dimensional Love (Megamind X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now