Out the Door

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"W-well thanks.." You didn't know what to say to that. At least he was happy. So you thought that you change the subject, "We should probably get going though."

Megaminds face twisted into confusion, "What do you mean leave? Is this not your-" He looks at the decor of the room, since it's plain and questionable, he gave a little cough, "Humble apartment."

"Oh no, this is a hotel. I don't live here." You say as you pick up a few things, "There was a wedding here I was attending."

"And is that why you were in that dress last night? That's not your normal attire?" Megamind sat down and watched.

"Yeah, it's not.." You sigh as you grab some clothes to change into. You walked to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror you realize you haven't taken off any of your makeup from the night before. It's a little smudged but not bad at all. You took a wet wipe got the makeup off your face then changed into your clothes. Nothing much just a black pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt.

After brushing your teeth and hair you walked out holding the bathroom utilities to pack them up. Megamind was messing with his wrist watch like he was trying to get it to work. You let him be. The bathroom bag was on the end of your bed so you threw your things in it and went back to picking up the room. It was dirtier than you realized. There were dirty clothes everywhere you you picked it all up. Once you finally got all your things packed up you were ready. You haven't really been paying attention to the blue man in the room with you.

You turned to him and jumped for a second, "God why, your watch right."

He looked like Branard. He gave a small chuckle, "Almost forgot you know about my watch."
"Yeah well we have to think about getting out of here without anyone seeing you." you say looking out the window toward the cars.

"But why? I have my disguise generator."

"That's the thing, my family can't know. They don't think anyone is here with me and if they found out you are well then I will never hear the end of it. They never stop pestering me about being with someone and they will think things that are not true." You started ranting without really realizing it. It's feelings that you had never been able to get out and for some reason it was easy around Megamind to let it out. When you were done you covered your mouth.

"No it's fine," He stood, "So how are we going to do this?"

You had an Idea.

You started shuffling out the door with all of your things in your arms. You stayed close to the wall. The door to the stairs opened for you as a hand reached out from behind your stuff and pushed it. You stumbled down the stairs as you tried not to fall while hiding the man behind all of your things. You somehow made it outside and too your car without anyone noticing you but the minute you went to open the door you heard a familiar voice.

"Leaving already?" you heard

You grit your teeth and turn face the voice, "Hey mom."

"You left the party early, what happened last night?" she asked you

You leaned on your things lightly not to strain megamind, "Oh ya know, I wasn't feeling very good so I decided to sleep it off." The lie was effortless.

Your mother hummed "Well you know we were thinking about going out to breakfast, why don't you-"
"No thanks." You didn't mean to cut her off, it just kinda happened, "I mean I already ate so I'm not that hungry."

You felt someone poking you so you kicked your luggage.

"Okay well," Your mom looked at your things, "Have a safe drive home. We're going to go here soon too. Love you." She turned and left

"Love you too." And with that you threw your things into the car and hopped in yourself. 

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