Wedding day Surprise

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 "So when are you going to get married?"

You roll your eyes at your aunt, "I don't even have a boyfriend, let alone thinking about getting married."

"Well (y/n), this is your cousins wedding, so why can't we talk about yours as well? Or you could at least get up and dance!" She said that last part as your drunken uncle grabs her arm and pulls her away from the table.

Indeed you were at your cousins wedding reception, the first cousin in your family to get married. You had helped set up the day before hand and stayed in the hotel the reception was being held in. the whole time your family could not stop talking about your future man. It was embarrassing and you hated it. The worst part was that you didn't even feel interested in anyone, that is, anyone real anyway. You had fallen in love with a certain big headed blue master of all villainy. If your family were to find out, however, you would become the laughing stock of the family. Someone who is in love with a super villian from an animated movie? Why would anyone feel that way.

You stood and fixed your little black dress you had bought solely for this wedding. As you did so your mother walked over to you.

"Hun, you look like you haven't had fun this whole time, what's going on?" she asked

You sighed "I'm just going to go up to my room for a bit. Maybe grab a Mikes and come back down."

"well just text me and let me know what's going on, I'll be just down the hall."

With a nod you walk out of the room leaving the headache and loud music. Other than one or two drunk couples in the halls there was no one. You walked up the stairs to get to your room which was on the third floor. No one was there except the sound of your dress boots against the floor. Once you get to your room you flop onto your bed. 'Maybe I should just read something more about him to get my mind off things' you thought. Then you remembered that's why your in this position in the first place. So instead you lay on the bed for some time. Finally you get up hearing your phone go off

Come back down, u should dance


Whatever, at least she won't yell at you in the morning. So you headed to the bathroom to make sure your (h/l) (h/c) locks had stayed styled even after laying on the bed. Thankfully they did because if you looked bad your cousin would have a hissy fit. After making sure they were in order and making sure you could see the gold flowers on your dress you left the room.

Before you could make it to the stairs there was a flash of blue behind you. You turned around to see a blue circle on the ceiling emanating a lot of wing and lightning. You took a few steps back being scared but too curious to run away. Before you could even begin to comprehend what this sphere was a flash of blue, black, and screams hit you knocking you down. Sitting up after the impact you grabbed your head for now it was throbbing. You look down at your lap where a blue man with a ginormous head was laying. He had a black spiked collar on with a black cape. You screamed and jumped up pushing him off of you. As you did so he yelped and looked up at you. He was holding his shoulder in pain. His blue and black suit caught your eye but not as much as his bright green eyes as they looked back up at you. You couldn't believe it, you couldn't process it, the name just slipped out of your mouth.


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