Your House is Huge

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"Woah," Megamind was looking at the building like it was unreal, "This is your house? It's huge! You must be rich."
He gave you a small smile. You couldn't help but laugh. A confused look came across Megaminds face.

"Oh you got it wrong. This is an apartment complex. I only live in a small part of all of this."

"But, apartments are huge and scaling into the sky!" He pointed at the building, "That, that is extremely small compared to what they are suppose to be."

"Well, this is a smaller town the Metro City ever was. Here, apartments are buildings with six complexes inside. Look around, all the same looking buildings? They all have apartments in them. Mine just happens to be in this one here. C'mon, help me carry my things."

You hopped out of your small car as you said this. Popping your trunk, you went to grab your bags. Megamind grabbed the ones that were in your back seat. You had a suitcase and a trash bag full of things and began walking toward the stairs.

"My apartment is on the top floor, just follow me."

"Hey, (Y/N)?"

You looked at Megamind giving him a small hum as a response. You stopped at the top of the stairs.

"Where did those bags come from?" He was obviously confused.

"Oh! These, they're for an.. Outfit that I am planning on making."

Cosplay Material. While you were in West Branch you decided to go shopping before the wedding and picked up some material for an Alucard cosplay. ((I have been watching Hellsing Ultimate so that's why the Alucard)) You thought he would think you were weird for doing things like that, everyone else did. So you blew it off.

"Wow, you make your own outfits? That's so cool." Megamind thought this was amazing, since Minion always made his capes and such. He wanted to learn himself.

And with that you both went inside. 


Sorry for such a short chapter, I have projects I have to finish for my classes. It is coming down to the end of the semester. Sorry. ^-^

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