The Drive Home

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You took off onto the highway as fast as you could. As you did so, Megamind climbed into the front seat from the luggage he was hidden in. He gave you a look of annoyance.

"You didn't have to kick me." he pouted.

You sighed and gave him a glance, "I'm sorry. I got nervous. My mom gets over worked sometimes when it comes to her kids, and with everything that happened last night, I just didn't know what to do."

"At least you have parents." You heard Megamind say under his breath.

You looked over at him, he was staring out of the car window like it was going to bring something back to him. His eyes were full of sadness and his demeanor was obviously different.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-"
He put his hand up to stop you from saying anything else, "No no, it's fine. You didn't do anything

wrong. I guess I just didn't realize how much I really miss them. Now that I don't have Metrocity, Roxanne, or even Minion. It's still sinking in."

"Roxanne?" the name came from your mouth without even thinking.
When he didn't say anything you decided to drop the subject, along with the conversation as a whole. You drove for about an hour and a half before anyone said anything. The silence was almost unbearable.

You finally couldn't take it, "Sooo..." you cleared your throat, "Do you have a plan to try and blend in? You know, you can't just walk around like that."

You didn't look at him. He came out of his thoughts, then gave a smile and yelled "That's it! I forgot about this!"

He pulled something out of his pocket and fiddled with it, you weren't paying attention since you were paying attention to this since you were too focused on the road. That was till you saw a blue light out of the corner of your eyes. So you glanced at him. Then you did a double take.


"Yes! Well, no, but. Anyway I forgot I had my watch on me! Now I can blend in anywhere." Megamind was super excited.

You were quiet.

"What?" he asked you.

"It's just, we could have used that instead of hiding you in my luggage" You smiled slightly as you took the exit off to your house, "Just a half an hour away from here then we will be there."

He nodded at you.

"Anyway, do you know what we need to fix your portal gun so that you can get back to Metro City and keep protecting it?" you were just curious.

You realized you made a mistake. Megamind started saying things and talking about things that went right over your head. So you just listened barely until he realized you had no idea what he was talking about.

"Sorry." he was obviously embarrassed.

You gave a little laugh, "Nah, you're okay. Anyway we're here."

You pulled up to an apartment complex near a soccer field. Home sweet home. 


Sorry for not being here for a while. I recently got a new job and along with school and work its hard to keep this up every week. So uploads will be every other week. Sorry but love you all.

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