Chapter 12

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Chloe's POV

I had just gotten a text from Justin. He is so sweet. Wait... I have his number... Oh MY Gosh i have his number. So many things have happened.. I met him personally and became his OLLG and now i have his number.. I can't... i just can't. What if he forgets about me.. Why do i even have to think about it.. I will just call mom and tell her to pick me up. 


"Hi mum" 

"Hi honey how was the concert?"

"It was the best thing ever.. i have a lot to tell you can you please come pick me up thanks?" 

"Yeah sure sweetie.i'm on my way."

"Thanks Mom"

I finished the call and i looked around and there was know one around. That's weird. I decided to text Justin back.  

Hahaha Thanks for your number. Maybe we should catch up later. xx 

I waited for a reply but nothing. I looked around again and there was know one at sight. I heard a buzz come from my phone and it was a text from Justin.

Your welcome sweetie and ur right we should catch up later xx 

 Yes we should lol

I got a phone call from Justin.. I answered. 

"Hey, Why are you calling me?"

"Hey.. I just wanted to call and see what you were doing"

"I'm waiting for my mum to pick me up.. why"

"What! Where are you, are you alone?"

"I'm like at the front of the arena.. and know one is here"

"Your alone.. what you can't be alone" 

"Don't worry about me i'm Fin-" 

"Chloe what's wrong.." 

"Umm I... Nothing" I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around there was still know one around. 

"Chloe.. You there, Chloe?"

"Yeah i'm here.. Sorry what were we talking about?"

"Chloe are you sure that everything is OK?"

"Yeah, Why wouldn't it be?" 

"Well.. you have been ignoring me ever since i called you" 

"I'm sorry it's just that i feel like i'm being watched.. Wait it's probably just a rabbit or something." I started to walk around to the back of the arena. I was bored so i just kept on walking. I was walking when i felt a pair of hands wrap around my mouth. I screamed. What the Hell. I tried to scream but i couldn't. I could hear my name being called by Justin on the phone. I tried to look around but then everything went black. 

Justin's POV

I was on the phone to Chloe and then all of a sudden i hear her scream in the phone. Now i'm panicking. What the Hell. I kept on listening to the phone and i could hear faintly screams. Then all of a sudden the call had ended. WHAT THE HELL HAS JUST HAPPENED! I need to go to the arena. I rushed out of the hotel and rushed to car but only to be stopped by Kenny. "Hey Justin Where you going. You should be in the hotel resting." I turned around to face Kenny. "Someone is in trouble." I looked at him panicking. "Who's in trouble, i need to be around you in case of any paps." "A girl i met today is in trouble and she needs my help." I looked at Kenny. "What happened? Is she alright?" "She isn't alright i think she was kidnapped or someone has hurt her. I was on the phone to her and all of a sudden i heard her scream. I need to know if she is OK." I looked at Kenny and i went into the car. "Well lets go and find her. Where was the last place you saw her." Kenny asked. "She said that she was at the front of the arena. Gee Kenny i really like this girl and i have only met her today. I don't want anything to happen to her." I turned to Kenny who was driving the car now. "Don't worry we will find your girl." 

I just want everything to be OK with her....


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