Chapter 6

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When the two boys arrived to the Princes chambers they were greeted by a very annoyed and concerned Lydia.

"Where were you two?"

"In the halls. There was a bit of an... incident."

"Oh an incident really what sort of incident. And Theo you forcibly making out with someone is not an incident it is sexual assault." Liam was shocked for two reasons. one Lydia, a seamstress, addressed the Prince by his first name. And second Theo had forcibly made out with someone before and he wonders why people don't like him Liam snickered to himself.

"No this was a real incident, Lydia." Theo stopped talking, but Lydia was staring at the Prince waiting for him to continue the explanation.

"Liam got mad and started turning." Theo stated as if it was no big deal, though Lydia's eyes were filled with shock and what appeared to be anger.

"I'm sorry, what."

"He started turning into a werewolf. Shifting. Whatever you want to call it." Lydia and Liam both stood there shocked, staring at Theo not sure if they heard the Prince correctly.

"Sh-sh-ifting?" Liam managed to squeak out.

"Yes, Angel. Shifting. When I bit you earlier I must've accidently turned you, at least partially. What did you think was happening?"

"I'm not really sure, I don't really remember what happened."

"Wait you can partially turn someone?"

"It's rare, but sometimes when a werewolf bites a human instead of just leaving a mark, it will turn them." Theo approached Liam slowly as if he was trying not to scare the younger boy. "May I?" He asked, gesturing to the cloth placed on Liam's wound.

Theo removed the garment that was laid atop the bite, but there was nothing there.

"Just as I suspected."

"Oh, great so now I'm a freaking werewolf. Could this day get any worse?!"

"Yes, probably. But, Liam you're not a full werewolf commonly it just heightens your senses and your eyes can glow that's all."


"Well, it doesn't happen everyday."

"How can we tell what will happen?" Lydia chimed in, though her voice seemed aggravate and laced with hate.

"Not sure. I'll have to do some reading or ask Peter. Sorry to cut your visit short Lydia, but if you don't mind I would like some time with Liam."

"Yes of course, have a nice evening Prince Theo." Lydia exited the room with a envious glance towards Liam.

An uneasy silence fell over the boys as they were left alone once again.

"Well, Liam its only 4 o'clock, so what would you like to do."

"I'm not sure, sir."

"Angel, when we're in private you don't need to address me so formally." Liam just nodded for he wasn't sure what was going to happen.

"Why are you being so shy around me?" Liam's eyes were casted at the ground and he simply shrugged in response.

"There's no need to be shy now." Theo approached the younger boy, lowering his voice so only Liam could hear. Liam began quaking and he wasn't sure if he was truly scared or not.

"Angel, are you okay? There's no need to be afraid." Theo stated as he caressed the side of Liam's face and almost naturally, Liam leaned into the touch of the Prince. They stayed in that position for a few minutes both of them secretly enjoying the contact, no matter how slight it was.

Theo cleared his throat in order to break the tension as he took a step away from the young beta.

"Well, Liam I may as well begin to go over the basic rules." Liam merely nodded in response,

"First of all you are not to go anywhere without me unless I tell you to go or I tell you to go. Even if it is a summoning from a royal. You must first get permission from me and only me. Two you are not to leave my side unless instructed to. Three you must obey anything I tell you to do whether you want to or not. Four respect the royals. Than pretty much everything else is the same."

"What is my uniform?"

"You may where nicer clothes. We can have Lydia come and measure you for those tomorrow. I am also going to select your color, because I would like your eyes to pop, so I can see that marvelous color."

"Yes, sir."

"What did I tell you about when we are in private, Angel."

"Right" Liam hesitated not wanting to address the Prince so informally "Theo."

"See its not that hard."

"Uh, Theo may I ask you a question."

"Yes of course."

"Why Angel?"

"Why, do you not like it?" Liam shielded his face hoping that Theo wouldn't notice the blush creeping up on his cheeks. But before Liam had a chance to respond there was a hand beneath his chin directing his face towards the beautiful Prince that stood before him.

"No need to be ashamed, Angel. You're beautiful as always."

Liam cleared his throat before he spoke again almost as if to clear the scenario from his mind. "I don't mind the nickname I was just curious as to why, Angel."

"No specific reason. It just slipped out and I didn't mind the nickname." Theo glanced at the clock noticing the semi-late time. "It's getting late we should go to bed."

"Good night, Theo." Liam stated as he headed out the door.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"Back to the servant floor, where my room is."

"No. You sleep in here. Come let us go to bed."

"But, si- Theo I don't have anything that I can sleep in."

"Than you can just borrow some of my clothes."

"But, sir-"

"No. You will wear some of my clothes."

"Yes, sir."

Theo handed Liam a pair of silk pajama bottoms, but no top.

"Uh, Theo you didn't give me a shirt."

"I know." Theo stated as he began to change, himself. Though he wasn't paying much attention to what he was doing he was paying more attention to the young boy in front of him changing clothes. When Liam finally turned around a small gasp left the Prince's lips and if it weren't for his new heightened senses Liam would've missed it.

"What. Is something wrong."

"No, nothing is wrong. You're just... Never mind. Let us go to sleep." Liam began to look around the room, searching for a couch or a chair to sleep in.



"What are you doing?" Theo stated with a chuckle that brought a light smile to the Prince's lips.

"Uh, nothing."

"Well come on then." He said as he lifted the covers of the bed making a small pocket where Liam could crawl into. A light blush dusted across Liam's features and it only darkened when he saw Theo smile like an idiot in love.

But what neither boy knew was that something wicked was standing outside understanding the unsaid attraction between the two boys.

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