-Transmission Pt. 1-

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Approximately 2 Hours Before

Lance's POV

    "Come on Blue," I said as we left the stables. I love to feel the wind through my hair.

I quickly ride to the country. I love it out there, that is where most of the flowers bloom. We only get to see them twice a year. They smell amazing. They smell like raspberry and freshly fallen snow.

I start to go up a mountainside. It was steep but Blue could handle it. We have done it many times before. While I was going up the mountain I felt like someone was watching me. I quickly brush it off.

I soon hear someone come up behind me. I hear hooves.

Blue and I quickly turn around, fear was crawling up my spine. What if was the Glara. They don't go out this far. 

I then see a black horse round the final corner. Then the horse looked at me with red eyes. 

I sigh in relief.

"Keith you scared me," I say as I place my hand on my heart. 

¨Sorry Lance I didn't mean to do that. I thought you left on Blue, so I followed you up here." He said as the horse caught up to Blue and me.  I see that Keith was still wearing his Earth clothes. 

I smile.

We turn and continue up the mountain slow, but we were talking- getting along- not fighting.

Then we hear a creak. Then a snap. I see a couple of little pebbles fall from the side of the mountain. "Huh." 

Then a rush of air hit me and a loud crash. 

"LANCE, MOVE!" Keith cried out. 

I look back at him. He was running past me on Red when he went past me he grabbed the reigns of Blue, and he yanked on it until we were out to danger.

My mind was in denial and I couldn't process anything. 

I look back, I was out of breath and so was Blue. Blue looked back at me to see if I was okay. I nod. Keith soon looked at me too.

"Are you all right?" Keith asked.

"Just a little shaken but good," I said.

Keith let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you all right?" I ask

Keith shook his head yeah.

But I knew he wasn't.

Once we started to go up the mountain more. Keith became more and more uneasy. Keith kept putting his hand on the back of his neck. I could also tell that Blue was getting nervous. 

"Lance are you all right? Do you feel like someone is watching you?" asked Keith.

"I feel the same," I say back. I glance over my shoulder to see nothing.  

Keith was ahead of me. Keith soon slowed and went behind me.

"Keith, why did you go behind me?" I ask

"Because I don't want you to be taken."

I blush and my heart skipped a beat. Thank goodness Keith was behind me, so he couldn't see my red face.

"Thanks," I said.

Once we got to the top of the mountain, we were attacked.


"Blue what's wrong?" I said trying to not fall off her back.

Blue and Red were kicking all around, and they were trying to pull away.

"Down boy!" cried Keith.

"BLUE!" I scream blue was kicking all around. I was starting to fall off of her back. "Keith HELP!" I shout while my body is being thrown each way.

Once Keith calmed down Red he quickly came to help me, but I am soon thrown from the saddle. Keith quickly moved Red to catch me.

I was caught by him and my arms were around Keith's shoulders. 

"Um, thanks Keith," I said trying to hide my face by turning toward Blue.

"D-don't men-ntion it" He said stuttering. "Are you okay?"

I shake my head yes.

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