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Keith's POV

    "LANCE" I screamed.

I saw Zendack behind us. He was holding a blaster in his hand, smoke coming out of where the blast came out.

I see Lance, fall forward.

I can feel my world start to slide.

"NO, LANCE" I scream, terrified.

On Lances back there was blood slowly seeping from his clothes.

"Lance, say something," I whispered. Only silence in return.

I stand up. "You'll pay for this," I said, I go into my fighting stance.

"I don't think you will want to do that" Zendack said, waving a finger at me.

"Why is that? To save your skin, but no one else." I said angrily.

"Not entirely true, but, we have about 6000 men ready to fight your unarmed home." He said while smirking.

His smirk was an awful sight to see.

Then I feel something grab me from behind.

"Who?" I start to say but, Lance, who was holding me, stopped me.

"You can't get away," he said, but when he talked it sounded like 2 people's voices were combined. His eyes dilated and they were black, pitch black. It wasn't Lance at all. 

"Lance," I said starting to struggle in Lance's grip. My breath was starting to get faster, my lungs needing air, Lance's grip kept getting tighter.

"Lance-" I started to say something but my world went black. The last thing I saw was Zendack's smiling face.


Lance's POV

My head was spinning. I didn't know where I was, I was only seeing blackness around me.

"AND DON'T EVER TRY TO GET AWAY AGAIN" screamed someone.

I heard the door open and the wind rushed in, then the door slammed shut again. I must have a bag over my head because when the door opened I saw no light.

"Ugh, my head," someone said in the room, his voice was deep, well not deep, but differently not a woman speaking.

"Ahh, WHO ARE YOU?" I scream I tried to go back, but the ropes from the chair stopped me.

"Who are you?" he asked me. I could hear him start to stand, but failed and fell over.

"Who and I, who am? I am-" I was starting to say something, but the man stopped me.

"LANCE" he screamed, I could hear he was trying to get up and walk over to me, then I felt his body weight hit me. I could feel his arms wrapped around me tightly.

"Umm, who are you," I asked, now wonder who could this man be.

"Guess who," he said standing up and punching my arm.

"KEITH!" I screamed in happiness. I tried to get up and hug him, but the ropes on the chair said no. "Um, Keith could you help me?" I asked embarrassed.

"Sure," he said, I could hear him trying to hold back a laugh, I say nothing.

First, he took off the bag around my head. I took a deep breath, once the bag was off.

"Thanks," I said.

"Np," he said, starting to take off the rope around my wrists.

"Gee, thanks Keith, I owe you," I said rubbing my wrists where the rope was.

"Again, np" he said. "I'm just so happy that you are alive." He said looking right in my eyes. There was something different about Keith. 

"What do you mean 'I'm happy you're alive?" I ask him. 

"Well, they had a clone of you, and he tried to kill me, but there was too much of your DNA in him to make him not kill me, so thanks." He said. 

"Wait what?" 

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