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May 18, 2037
8:17 PM

"Kyungmin," Taehyung said soothingly. "Don't get angry, Namjoon hyung will come see you as soon as he gets the chance."

"If he's back home, that means he had time. I haven't seen him. And I know she has been with him," the girl snapped, looking right at me. "So where is he?"

"He's at home, working out some issues," Jimin tried.

I wanted to say something, but I was honestly so frightened that I couldn't get any words to come out. This girl was the splitting image of Kim Namjoon. However she was shorter, younger. Her hair was long and beautiful, a dark black color. Her eyes were hidden by colored contacts, just like Namjoon and the rest of the boys. I felt my heart race when she looked at me. She made me feel like I were guilty of something, though I hadn't done anything wrong.

"Wait a second," Kyungmin said with a sly smile. "She doesn't know, does she?"

I looked from Jimin, to Jungkook, to Taehyung, to Kyungmin. My eyes skimmed everyone, confusion flooding my features. I opened my mouth to say something, but Jimin smiled and stood up. He walked to Kyungmin and pulled her over to the side, leaving me with the youngest two.

"She's Namjoon's sister?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, but only his. Its very hard to explain. Doesn't really make sense to any of us, even Taehyung hyung and Seokjin hyung," Jungkook giggled. "She has a temper, but it's only because she loves Namjoon so much. She gets jealous."

"She's not bad, once you get used to her," Taehyung added.

"She said I didn't know something," I started cautiously. I observed the frantic glances the young boys shot each other. "Does it have to do with what Namjoon is figuring out right now?"

"Yes," Taehyung replied softly. "And with the rate this is going, I'm afraid you might know soon."

"Afraid? Is it that bad?"

"You won't really be the same once you know. Your life will completely change. That's why we've kept it so secret."

"Why didn't Namjoon just tell me from the start?"

"He's trying to keep you safe."

My heart stopped with those words. Taehyung's stare was so intense, so frightening. 'He's trying to keep you safe'.

I suddenly felt so frightened to be involved with this family. I felt guilty. I was fearing them, yet they had done nothing but keep me safe since i met them. I took a deep breathe and looked at Taehyung, then Jungkook. I smiled at them gently. They had been more trustworthy than most of the people in my life, and if being involved with them meant my life changing, I was going to be okay with that.

"No matter what happens, I owe you guys my life," I stated quietly. "I intend to be a reliable friend, as you all have been to me."

The boys smiled at me, sighing with relief. I glanced at Jimin and Kyungmin. Kyungmin let out a sigh and nodded, then turned towards our table. The two returned, Jimin sat next to Taehyung and Kyungmin only stared at me.

Taehyung nodded as Jimin whispered something to him. I looked down at my lap, feeling a little left out. However, i now knew that i was being kept in the dark for my own safety. Yet, i also knew they were keeping something from me. I let out a sigh before standing up with a smile.

"My name's Y/n," I bowed slightly towards Kyungmin. "Your brother has been watching out for me. Im glad to meet you."

Kyungmin looked at me, slightly confused. She returned my greeting with an almost invisible bow. I sat back in my seat, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Eventually, Kyungmin said her goodbyes to the boys and walked them out. I followed behind the group.

As I tried to walk out the door, Kyungmin grabbed my arm. I turned to look at her, shocked.

"Y/n, are you coming?" Jimin called out to me.

"I'll meet you, go ahead," I smiled and waved.

I turned back to Kyungmin and caught her eyes. She was taller than me, like Namjoon, so I had to look up a little. She looked down and dropped her hand from my arm.

"I didnt mean to be rude," she started. "Im a bit over protective of my brother. But i want to warn you now. Our family isnt safe. Not for normal people. I dont know how you met Namjoon, or the rest of my family, but it may be best not to continue along with us. Im not saying this because i dont want you around my brother, im saying this because i really mean it."

"How is it not safe?" I asked quietly.

"I promised i wouldnt talk about it. I shouldnt be telling you this anyway but i couldnt let you get caught up in this without knowing exactly how dangerous it could be."

Kyungmin looked down, contemplating something. She had a nervous habit of tapping her pointer finger on her leg. She shook her head and looked back up at me.

"You won't remember any of this," she started cautiously. "Not until you find out our secret. But you'll be able to see how dangerous this can end up being, and you'll still be able to feel the emotions that showing you this will give you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry, this may hurt."

Suddenly, a sharp pain rushed through my shoulder. I let out a gasp as i turned to see a silver knife had bewn plunged into my arm. Blood rushed from the wound as i stumbled back from Kyungmin, who had just stabbed me. I tried yelling at her, but i couldnt speak. My vision went blurry, and i slowly lost my balance. I hit the ground and blacked out.

I couldnt hear or see anything, but i felt as if i were awake. I finally managed to open my eyes, to see.

Yet, all i could see was fire.

1012 Words

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